Map Family Relationships - Review Manager

This article provides both visual and written instructions for creating family relationships when importing or updating documents via Review Manager.

When importing data using a DAT/CSV load file in Reveal Review Manager, document family relationships are defined in the Field Mapping process. The following steps set out the requirements and considerations for applying this process.

Import Data

  1. Import Mapping with Begin Number and Item ID
    1. When mapping fields, the document Begin Number (i.e., the Control Number or Unique Identifier) should be mapped to the Reveal Begin Number (this is known as BEGDOC in the underlying database table). 
    2. The Item ID (known as ITEMID in the database) should be selected with the option “Auto Generated”.
      1. NOTE : Do not map Item ID to a field. 
      2. The Item ID is auto generated with a sequential number starting at 1 for each project.
  2. Import Mapping and Begin Number Attach.
    1. To create family relationships, Begin Number Attach (known as BEGATTACH in the database) must be in the initial documents import, or overlaid with the BEGDOC field.
    2. The Begin Number Attach field must correspond to the parent document’s Begin Number across the entire set. It must therefore be mapped to the BEGATTACH field.
      1. The BEGATTACH is populated across attachments (also known as children) with the parent document’s BEGDOC.
      2.  The parent documents will also have BEGATTACH populated.  
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    3. This will set the PARENT_ITEMID, EMT_FAMILYID, FAMILY_RELATIONSHIP, and Has Family metadata fields based on BEGATTACH for all Import Batches. 
    4. The display name for EMT_FAMILYID is BD EMT FamilyID
    5. The display name for FAMILY_RELATIONSHIP is Family Relationship
    6. EMT_FAMILYID is NULL for any docs that do not have children. 
      NOTE: If Begin Number Attach does not match an existing Begin Number, an error will be thrown for the Parent ID field. 
  3. Once data has been imported and any Natives/Text has stored successfully, indexing may be initiated, including the Document Metadata Index.
  4. The Family icon and the Family relationship panel should now display for all applicable documents.

    Update Data (Creating or Updating Families After Import)

    1. Ensure at minimum that you have the Begin Number and the Begin Number Attach
    2. In Review Manager, open Import > Documents.
    3. Select the Project to be updated.
    4. Select Update Data.
    5. Use a mapping that has the “Begin Number” and “Begin Number Attach” fields.
    6. Choose the load file.
    7. Select Import Data to begin (using Test Mode Only first is recommended to check for errors).
    8. Once values have been updated successfully, go to Advanced Options > Refresh Document Records.
    9. For the current Project, choose import files and select Rebuild Family Relationships (includes all import jobs).
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    10. The system will begin to rebuild families and populate Parent ID for children with the Parent’s Item ID.
      NOTE: The process will take a moment to complete as it will need to update the database functions utilizing the family information. This includes but is not limited to the Family Member Grid Icon, Family Relational Panel in the Review Window, and Searches.
    11. Status Message:
      1. If a message in the Log window states: “Family Relationship rebuilding: Did not detect any parent document”:
        1. This error indicates that a value in the Begin Number Attach field does not exist in the Begin Number field.
        2. You will need to verify if the Begin Number Attach contains existing parent values from the Begin Number field.
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      2. If a message in the Log window states: “## Unique parent documents detected, ## child documents, ## docs without BEGATTACH information”:
        1. Families should be grouped based on the Begin Number Attach and Parent ID populated for children documents with the parent’s Item ID.
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    12. Once the family relationship rebuild has successfully completed, you can rerun the Document Metadata Index to update the Begin Number Attach values on the Review Grid.


        Last Updated 3/22/2024