Translate (Translation)

This article provides both visual and written instructions for identifying languages and translating documents.

Non-Audio Video Tutorial


Please Note: You must verify that the Translation service is available within your AWS region. Please use the following link to verify service availability:

Translation - click this link to verify: Region Availability

With the deployment of Reveal 11.10, updates will be implemented without interrupting running translation jobs. This will facilitate continuous improvement of Reveal without impact on workflow. 

You can use Reveal to translate your document text from one language to another. To Bulk Translate documents:

37 - 01 - Translate Documents

  1. Once you have identified and selected documents for translation, open Translate from the Toolbar above the Review Grid. These documents may have been identified by Reveal's language identification feature and labeled in the Detected Languages field to facilitate a filter search.
  2. Choose the Documents you wish to translate. These may be documents retrieved using a search, filter or folder, or manually selected from the Grid.
  3. Source Text Set - Specify the text container in which the original documents are to be found (usually Extracted Text or OCR/Loaded). NOTE: Translation jobs will fail on the Native/HTML Text Set unless the document is a text file. 
  4. Source Language is the original language of the document.
  5. Destination Text Set - Specify the text container into which the translated documents are to be placed (e.g., Translated); you also have the option to create a +New text set in which to contain and index the translated documents.
  6. Destination Language is the language into which the document has been translated.
  7. A Job Name should be supplied to track the progress.
  8. Results will be displayed in the Translate table on the Jobs Management screen.

    1. Click Jobs on the Navigation menu at the left side of the project window. 
      17 - 05a - Select Jobs navigation-2
    2. In Jobs Management navigate the list to open the Translate table.

When the job is complete, you be able to view and search upon your documents using both the source text and the translated text.

NOTE: As of Reveal 11.7, the modal window launched by this action may be moved around the screen by moving the pointer to the top title area; when it becomes a hand, click and move the window as needed.


Last Updated 5/24/2024