Reveal 11.6 Release Notes

Items included in the 11.6 release. Release Date 4/19/2023


Reveal 11.6 Key Feature Highlights

Supervised Learning

  • Updated Classifier Details menu panel with new Model Insights section containing two new classifier insight reports called Features and Document Score. These new in new transparency reports show features and terms that influence the predictive scores.
    • Features is a new report that provides the features and their associated importance weights for a specific classifier for up to 10,000 documents.
    • Document Score is a new report that provides the top features contributing to the predictive score for a specific document.
    • Both of the above reports are downloadable in CSV format, which is not limited to the top 10,000 features.
      PLEASE NOTE: In order to produce these reports for a classifier, the Run Feature & Score Reports setting has to be enabled for it. The setting is under Classifier Name > Configure > Advanced Settings > Choose Settings > Run Feature & Score Reports. Once enabled, it will take effect next time the classifier runs scoring, either by Running Full Process, or by finishing enough documents to close a round.  
  • Run From AI has been added as a step in the AI Sync Job screen.

Review Grid Enhancements

  • Show truncated cell values in a small pop-up window on hover.
  • Show translated field name, if any, and user-added field name entered in field profile.
  • Support saved search auto-batching from the Assign action above the Review Grid.

Usability Enhancements across the platform

  • Updates to Navigation Panel and information
  • Field creation and management

Release Detail

Issue Type






Add Auto-Assign options to Assign workflow.

Review Managers can create Assignment batches from Saved Searches to automate the workflow for a set of reviewers.


Admin Jobs

Add ability to re-run the build from the AI step.

Users may re-start an AI Synch job from the last failed step in the process to save time from rerunning all steps.



Handle display of long cell contents in the grid (such as hover).

A reviewer may now display contents of a field that is too long to fit in the column (such as long text or multi-value fields) by gliding the pointer over cell to open a scrollable tooltips pop-up.


Supervised Learning

Expose option to generate score reports in classifier settings.

An option to “Run Score Reports” is added, set to OFF by default in R11. Users can turn it on and Run Full Process to get the data for reports.


Supervised Learning

Modify feature name rendering on the fly for readability.

A classifier report now generates a list of the model's top 10,000 features both at the global and document levels rendering feature names on the fly for readability.


Supervised Learning

Add global classifier term report.

Managers with access to Manage AI may see which terms are part of a classifier to date (and their weights) to better understand what the classifier is learning.


Supervised Learning

Add way to download global term report as CSV.

Users may download the terms report for a classifier.


Supervised Learning

Add way to download document-level term as CSV.

Users can download the terms report for a specific document and a given classifier, including all terms and weights for the given document and this classifier, not just those shown on the current page or those matching a temporary text filter.


Supervised Learning

Add way to search for document id to get to document-level report.

Analysts can find the document score report of a specific document by its identification number to quickly retrieve that document’s term report.


Supervised Learning

Add quick filter by term name to term reports.

Added quick filter by term name to Global term report and the Document-level term report.


Supervised Learning

Add document-level term feature report.

Managers with access to Manage AI can see which terms are part of a classifier to date (and their weights) on a specified in order to understand in a transparent fashion what the classifier is scoring.


Supervised Learning

Update report navigation menu with headers and names.

The View Classifier screen navigation menu has been updated with section headers to better organize the options there.



Add tooltip(s) to explain Emotional Widgets.

Added tooltips to the data visualization widgets on the Dashboard to describe what is being presented.



Add clearer document number to confirmations.

Confirmation messages in the Assign bulk action and Sample bulk action are now more descriptive regarding the number of documents affected by the action.



Fix Shift + Click behavior in the Grid.

Fixes behavior where the last selected checkbox is not the one used for the shift-selection.



Tooltips can appear on any cell if content is truncated.

Wherever cell content is truncated in the Grid, a pop-up tooltip containing the full content will appear.


Job Management

Job status in Bulk Update jobs accuracy.

A bulk update job inserting a text value into a newly created field properly completed but inaccurately showed as failed in the jobs screen. The correct job status is now being reflected.


Search Builder

Refresh folder list in search or bulk actions if Sidebar is closed.

Corrects scenario where the search criteria window for folders could appear blank if the sidebar of folders was collapsed.



Fix sidebar filters for Any Value / No Value.

Corrects the Any Value and No Value entries under several filters in the Sidebar that were not always updating after a search.


Last Updated 4/18/2023