Reveal 2024.7 Release Notes

Items included in the 2024.7 Reveal Release. Release Dates 7/30/2024-8/01/2024.

Release Details

Issue Type






Allow user to designate a project as Cold Storage.

A new ability for instance administrator to flag projects on which work is mostly done as ‘Cold Storage’ so that these projects don't get billed in the same way and cannot be opened, but so that there is also the option to take them out of 'cold storage' if someone needs to continue working on them.

 If requesting this feature, please consult directly with your consulting or sales representative as to process and implications. 



Ability to edit instance settings.

New for instance administrators, the ability to see and edit instance-level settings (also called MSA settings) in the web UI. These settings historically had been only available in the Review Manager desktop tool.



Add S3 staging bucket access keys to instance system settings.

Instance admins can now get their S3 staging bucket access keys so that they can add data to it for processing and other related tasks. Doing so via the UI is now much more secure and preferred. User has access to S3 staging keys. Client-facing S3 staging buckets' access keys have been added where the Review API can access them. The settings include bucket name, secret access Key, secret access key ID. The user will use them in non-encrypted form and only instance admins have access.



Allow project admins to download any user's Ask history log.

Project admins can download any users' Ask history log. This gives an overview of all the current project’s Ask history across all users so that a project admin can download it for tracking and offline investigation purposes.



Ask - Query should be available in Download.

For each of an Ask user's question-answer pair where the current global query is used, the query details will show in an Excel download so that the steps taken to get that answer can be traced.
When the user downloads the session history in an Excel, a new column “Doc Subset Query” now indicates whether there is a filter or not.
The column is in the first tab, the Questions and Answers tab.



Allow users to retrieve and continue historic Ask sessions.

User should be able to see a new side bar menu showing historic Ask sessions. This side bar now shows an "Ask new chat" button and breaks the menu down into 3 categories:
User is able to click on a past session, load that session in the main area, including Questions, Answers, Sources, etc., just as if the user did so in a current session.


AV Player

Add .opus audio files to formats that can play in new AV player.

Audio files of type .opus now play in the Apryse AV viewer, provided that AudioFileExtensions includes .opus in the value.


Bulk Imaging

Basic Bulk Image of Selected Documents.*

The Bulk Image function that has been previously only accessible in Review Manager has been added to the Grid Actions. The function creates images for all selected documents. The function can be added or removed to specific roles through the 'Bulk Image Documents' permission.


Bulk Imaging

Populate Page count field for each document that was bulk imaged.*

During the course of a bulk-imaging job, the page count field will now be populated with the number of pages for each respective document. If the document has a value populated, it will be overwritten with the new value.


Doc Viewer

Add a button in the classic viewer to load the Syncfusion spreadsheet view.

User is now able to select which view to load for spreadsheets:
1. If the document has a text set indexed, there will be a button that allows the user to see the text set of the document.
2. There is now a PDF button present that will allow the user to see the PDF view of the document.
3. There is now a Spreadsheet button that allows the user to see the Excel in the new Excel viewer.



Add Support for BigInt numeric values in search API.

Large integer values, exceeding 2^32, were causing a parsing and display issue in the UI. This has been corrected and such numbers properly display and sort in the UI.



Add a core audit log entry for instance system setting changes.

Changes made to the new System Settings area available to Instance Admins will be recorded to a system log. A view of this log will be added in the next release.



Indicate project status in project listing page.

On the Project listing page inside Company Admin, a new column has been added to the grid that lists the status of all shown projects in regards to their Active vs Cold Storage status. The column supports sorting A-Z by the status label, like other columns do (Name, Id, Users).



Allow a user to reactivate a Cold Storage project.

On a project detail page inside Company Admin, the Cold Storage section reflects the current state of a project and can be re-activated. Re-activated projects have an implication for invoicing, please discuss with your representative if you request to use this function.



Ask - additional relevance check.

Provides additional checks of relevancy for the search results that have somewhat low similarity scores.



In Assign action, make required Tag profile more visible.

Users will now select a tag profile under the Users tab vs the Other tab when running an assignment job for clearer visibility of this required selection.



Assignments modal has better readability on smaller screens.

To enhance the Assignments modal appearance on smaller screens, there is a new ability to resize columns in it and a hover action of the assignment name in the first column to show the full name of the assignment.


Doc Viewer

Make doc viewer toolbars responsive.

If a user has limited browser space, for example if on a laptop, and there is not enough room for buttons, they can now collapse into a dropdown menu.


Doc Viewer

Hide metadata view.

The button for the metadata view is no longer available - this view has been retired. The fields area in the sidebar are still present and can be used to see metadata fields in the Document viewer.



Update Settings > Navigation in light of split preview.

Update the grid display settings to add a split-view option for projects that have that feature enabled.



Update imaging logic to support multiple versions of the library on partially imaged documents.

PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel Documents that were partially imaged using an older version of an imaging library will have the additional images for that document using the same version of the document. This is primarily to aid for projects that were migrated from Reveal 10.



Update the log messages to include filtered text size.

The log messages for batch logs now include the sizes of the filtered text and the entire document.



Update the log messages to include Analyzed and indexed fields count in FieldTruncateProcessor.

The log messages for batch logs now include field counts for Analyzed, Indexed and both (Analyzed and Indexed: Some fields are set to Analyze as well Index).



Remove loading animation from favorites buttons.

Clicking the button to favorite or unfavorite a project changes it to filled or unfilled immediately without the loading animation.



Update Numeric Input functionality.

Improved the behavior of the numeric text inputs to make input validation more user friendly.



Add hover context to all Icon buttons.

To improve usability, all icon buttons now have hover context.



Error when saving user.

Fixed an issue with the Edit User screen related to email address validation and duplicate user validation.


AI Model Publish

Publishing fails for existing classifiers which use legacy model publish.

Publishing fails for existing classifiers which use legacy model publish.



Reveal Review API - CaseId parameter Issues.

Made an update to an API endpoint used externally to better handle the caseId parameter when returning role group names.



Ascending / Descending sort icons do not match the displayed column value order within the manage assignment modal.

Fixed an issue within the Manage Assignment modal, where the ascending / descending icons were reversed from the actual sort direction in columns Name, Profile, Type, Status, Created, Last Run.



Assignments sorted by userID not userNAME.

Corrected a small sorting logic issue on the Assignment screen > User column. 



Cluster outputs not used for Training Queue creation.

Fixed using the clustering information during the process of generating AI batches.


Data Visualizations

Incorrect dates on timeline header and search pill when a bar on timeline is selected.

Fixed a timeline labeling issue where the label on the top of the timeline, indicating range, and the label at the bottom of the timeline, indicating each bar, could be confusing as they didn't line up in a clear way.


Data Visualizations

Doc counts not correct when drilling down to seconds.

Corrected an edge case on the Timeline widget, which affected the document count in the tooltip shown on a timeline bar, when the timeline was displayed by seconds (the last drill-down level). The actual document count returned when a search was performed or a timeline bar was clicked was not affected.


Doc Viewer

Spreadsheet view Alert on documents that are not spreadsheets.

Corrected an issue affecting the Early Access Document Viewer where unnecessary alerts were showing on documents that were not spreadsheets regarding the inability to process a spreadsheet view.


Doc Viewer

WAV Audio File Appears as Video after Transcription.

Fixed an edge case where some audio files would render an unnecessary black image as if they were video files in the Early Access Document Viewer.


Doc Viewer

Issue converting Powerpoint to PDF via new index step.

Resolved an issue with certain PPT files containing Speaker Notes converting to PDFs for the purpose of rendering in the Early Access Document Viewer.


Doc Viewer

RegEx logic on wordlists may not be catching period hyphen underscore.

For the Early Access Document Viewer's new panel for wordlist highlights, several special characters (period, hyphen, underscore) were not previously reflected correctly in the regex logic. This has been corrected.


Field Profiles

Incorrect display of Field Profile name - in Edit Field Profile.

Corrected a small display issue with accented characters in the Field Profile management area.



Selecting ranges of filtered results in sortable lists selects hidden items.

Fixed an edge case in the Manage Field Profile area, and similar areas with two columns of fields (all vs selected), where certain sequences of searching for fields and selecting them via checkboxes would also select some non-filtered fields and move those to the right column unintentionally.



"Responsive" tag sometimes not expanding when a filter search is applied.

Corrected an edge case, where the Responsiveness tag in the sidebar would not expand if there were no documents matching that tag after a search.



Not able to adjust date when user switched language to Spanish.

Fixed issue affecting the date picker helper element, which was not loading properly if Spanish was selected as the primary UI language in User Settings.



Customer cannot open existing production jobs for an R10-R11 migrated project. New jobs work fine.

Fixed an issue with projects migrated from Reveal 10, where a Production job with a certain priority_level would not properly load its details when user attempts to view it.



The user efficiency report runs slowly or does not complete.

Additional improvements were made to the Tagging Efficiency report in order to optimize its performance when a larger time frame or larger number of users selected caused it to run slowly.


Supervised Learning

Classifier Error: Support empty metadata weights configuration.

Use default metadata weights in the supervised learning classifier when the stored metadata weights are empty. This can happen in a rare situation when the stored metadata weights are updated during an incremental processing at the same time as the classifier checks them.


Supervised Learning

Revise SQL logic in Service Watcher to ensure queues are updated before adjusting ServiceHealth table.

Improved supervised learning job queue to handle failed jobs correctly.



Use clearer icons for ascending and descending sorting.

Made a small update to the icons indicating Ascending and Descending sorting directions for better clarity.



Disable UI scaling.

Updated how the user interface responds to browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) zoom level settings to make it more user friendly.



Prevent Update modal from resizing as options are changed.

The appearance of the (bulk) Update modal has been improved to provide for a better experience when multiple options (Tags, Folders, Fields, etc.) are selected and the number of UI elements grows.



If user has no access to a Tag profile, they see Loading... spinner only in Bulk Update.

Updated the behavior of the Update action screen for the case when a user has no access to any Tag profiles. The user will now see a friendlier message indicating that they lack access to any Tags.


User Settings

Remove unnecessary parts from user settings Text + image view.

Made several convenience updates to the User Settings > Text + Image Sets, which is now called Views. This section of the settings still controls the multiple views within the Document Viewer.

*  Features might be enabled only for some projects or require specific steps to access. Reach out to your representative if you’d like to inquire about getting access to it. 


Last Updated 7/30/2024.