Reveal 2024.9 Release Notes

Release Dates: 9/24/2024 – 9/26/2024

Reveal 2024.9 Key Feature Highlights

Document Review

  • Ability to make text, region, inverse, and full-page redactions in the new viewer.
  • Ability to create highlight, shape, and text annotations in the new viewer.
  • Ability to run imaged-based productions from a PDF set.

Review Management

  • Project creation workflow with web-based processing is now generally available.
  • Bulk Imaging from the web interface is now generally available.
  • Updated Assignment rules require tag profiles to include a "Reviewed Status" tag and ensure users or teams linked to the tag profile have access to assigned documents.

Data Loading

  • Version 1 of loading unprocessed data allows users to create processing projects, upload data via the web while maintaining folder structure, and view project settings and upload history. This is behind a feature flag and requires requested access.
  • The Aspose library changes how email processing, including data extraction and conversion, is handled. New projects will default to Aspose, while older data will continue using the previous engine. This is behind a feature flag and requires requested access. 

Usability & Workflow Enhancements

  • Over 25 adjustments were made to improve visual consistency and behavior, such as table filtering, job submission notifications, and more, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Handling of size information in Review has been updated, including fields for file size, text size, and cell count.
  • Improved handling of the mover service's retry logic for transferring documents to storage.

Release Details

Type Category Summary Description
New Admin Created new default processing user role. A new Processing User role has been added to all new and existing projects, designed for users who need to upload and process data without access to review functionality. This role includes permissions for Uploading Data, Viewing Processing, and Processing Data, but does not include the ability to manage processing settings. No users are assigned to this role by default during the initial implementation.
New Admin Show confirmation alert after submitting Bulk actions job. Once a user submits a bulk action, they will see a confirmation alert. The alert shows text following the format of [#] documents getting [action]. The alert shows the confirmation style outlined in the style guide. The alert disappears after a few seconds. The alert is dismissible if a user chooses to dismiss it manually. When a job is created as part of the bulk action, a “View Job” link should be included that links directly to the job details page. (Note: if the job details page hasn’t been migrated from aspx pages, link to the list of jobs for that type.
New Admin A new feature ensures that all users and teams have access to the necessary Tag Profile when creating assignment jobs. This update addresses user frustrations when attempting to assign document batches without proper Tag Profile permissions. Now, before submitting assignment jobs, the system ensures that all selected users or teams are associated with the correct Tag Profile. If access is missing, an error message prevents submission, guiding users to fix the issue. This validation ensures smoother assignments, reducing confusion and saving time for administrators and users.
New Document Review New functionality to export Production jobs with enhanced control over output formats, including PDFs and single-page TIFFs. This feature introduces the ability to export production jobs with either legacy TIFF/JPG images or newly generated PDFs. Users can now control the output format, including converting native PDFs into non-searchable PDFs or single-page TIFFs. The process remains backward-compatible with older formats. Depending on the format selected, the system will auto-select the appropriate load file type (LFP or OPT for TIFFs, and LEP for PDFs).
New Document Review Added support for viewing multiple PDF versions of a document in the new PDF viewer. Users can now view and switch between multiple PDF versions of a document, such as native views or production versions, through a dropdown in the viewer. The dropdown allows users to select from an alphabetically sorted list of PDF views. Redaction is limited to the original native view. Document explorer functions like hit highlighting and search will function across all views. Users can print any version with hit highlights but without redactions.
New Document Review Added ability to change documents in Grid using arrow keys. When viewing items in the new side-by-side preview alongside the document grid, a user can to use their arrow keys to navigate between documents. Up Arrow will go to the previous document, Down Arrow to the next. Page navigation should occur as necessary.
New Document Review Several enhancements for annotating documents has been added. Users will notice several updates to annotations: saved annotations are verified, a new toolbar with annotation tools is available, and users can add, delete, duplicate, and change styles for Highlight, Shape, and Free Text annotations. Annotations can be erased, duplicated on all or custom pages, and a tooltip provides options to duplicate or change styles for tooltip buttons.
New Document Review A new feature allows users to view, navigate, and filter annotations within the Document Explorer. Annotations (excluding redactions) are now visible in the document explorer for easier access. A new 'Annotations' category can be toggled, only appearing when annotations exist. Users can navigate through annotations, delete them, and filter the results, similar to redactions, but with fewer filtering options. This feature enhances document management by providing better control over annotations.
New Document Review Added annotations to Document Viewer printing. In the PDF-based document viewer's Print modal, users can now add annotations via a checkbox (defaulted to OFF). When enabled, it reveals annotation types (Select All, Highlight, Shape, Text) in a dropdown. Selected types will be included in the printed PDF, while unselected types will be excluded.
New Searching New filtering options added to table views. Users can now apply multiple filters to different columns in a table. A new toggle button next to the search box opens a modal to create filters based on the column's data type (String, Number, Date, MultiSelect). Each applied filter appears as a 'pill' for easy management, and clicking the X removes it. A 'Clear Filters' option is also available to reset all applied filters at once.
New Security New permission added to rebuild document data. A new permission, Manage Rebuilding Document Data, has been introduced for Administrators and Client Administrators in all new and existing projects. This permission provides access to a new Rebuild Document Data link in the Data Management area of Project Admin, allowing users to initiate and monitor rebuilds, view logs, and track progress. Users can also view past rebuild jobs, including who initiated them and when, along with any errors encountered.
New Security Added Export function to audit log of instance setting changes. System administrators can now export a list of system-level changes made to the MSA, including columns for Date/Time, Activity Category, Activity Details, and Username.
Update Admin Added columns for ARM tool status tracking for cases. Two new columns have been added to the Cases table to manage the status of the ARM tool restore for projects: ARM Restore Tool Progress andARM Restore Tool Date. These columns are designed to be storable, updatable, and retrievable at the project level. They will be included in new projects only, and existing projects will not be updated. The new fields will also be available in the Cases endpoint.
Update Admin Updates to designating favorite projects. User will now be able use quick search across all projects vs just favorites if toggle is selected to favorites. 
Update Admin Filtered display of bulk Image jobs in UI. A user with access to create bulk Image jobs, can now filter such jobs based on timeframe, user, and status. The filters will include Search (text box, just searches against job name), Date Range (includes presets like last 30 days and a custom to/from), Users - Includes all as an option, and a list of all users belonging to the current project - multi-select, Status - Includes all as an option , and the friendly display of 4-5 enums. 
Update Admin Updated user annotation options for Production. A review manager with access to such functions, will now be able to see (non-redaction) annotations as one of the choices when they Bulk Print and Produce documents. These options previously existed, but now the user can align the Annotation types  and make sure we are using the annotations in the PDF.
Update AI Updated vocabularly file for compability. Changes have been made to make the Vocabulary.txt file start at the same index to prevent possible issues.
Update AI Ask services have less interruptions from Kubernetes. Kubernetes Autoscaler could disrupt Ask services, leading to error messages when Users submit questions in Ask. Stability improvements have been made to prevent Ask services from going offline.
Update AI AI job scheduling has been optimized. Improvements have been made to make stranded AI jobs for Classifiers available for scheduling. This leads to better job queue management by RAI Automation Schedulers.
Update Analytics Upgrade to new version of BasisTech for improved Entity Extraction. Upgrading to the new version of BasisTech will address certain thread errors generated during Entity Extraction for Brainspace.
Update Assignments Updated for 'Reviewed Status' tag choice when using a tag profile for Assignments. When a user creates an assignment job, now before they submit the job to be started, a validation message will appear if they have not that selected a tag profile that contains at least one tag choice marked “Reviewed Status”. This is so the Is Reviewed query / filter will actually work for the assignments created from this job. The user no must correct before they can submit the job, this is not just a warning. Error message: “The Tag Profile must include at least one tag choice marked Reviewed Status”. User will see a 'Learn More' link to provide more information on how we track Is Reviewed.
Update Classifiers Added mapping file for Classifiers. Changes were made to add a mapping configuration file to be used for Classifiers.
Update Document Review Updated text set sizes for Native and Spreadsheet view. Previously users encountered ‘Too Large’ errors when indexing relatively small PDFs and Excel files due to a file size check that limits file sizes to 16MB for Elastic indexing, affecting the Native and Spreadsheet views.Now, the file size check has been adjusted to allow indexing of documents smaller than the configured size in the Review Manager, even if they are less than 16MB. This change ensures that documents within the acceptable size range are indexed correctly without being blocked by size limitations.
Update Document Review Allow burning of Redactions during single-doc Print. The user can choose whether to burn in redactions or not.  If the user does not select the checkbox for redactions, there should be no redactions burned into the document. If the user chooses to burn in redactions, the will be presented a dropdown to select the style of the redactions to burn in. All redactions are subject to the profile selected for the print job.
Update Document Review Added the ability to browse and filter redactions by profile in the Document Explorer. Reviewers can now filter and group redactions by specific profiles, making it easier to review how redactions have been applied. A modal displays available grouping options like redaction profiles or users, showing the number of redactions made. Additionally, redaction snippets now include the profile label, providing more context for review actions.
Update Document Review Redact permission should control ability to add / edit redactions. Users will now be able to turn the permissions under Redact on/off and be able to do the following. The permission enables the ability to make any new redactions. Without the permission a user cannot make new redactions. The permission enables the ability to edit existing redactions. Without it, a user cannot edit redactions. 
Update Document Review Respect Locked state of doc to disable editing redactions. If a document status for redactions specifically is locked, users can now prevent any user, including Company or Instance Admin, from making new redactions, editing or moving existing redactions, deleting existing redactions.
Update Document Review Updates to document indexing workflow now separates Native/Spreadsheet view indexing from Text Set indexing. Native/Spreadsheet view indexing and Text Set indexing are now divided into distinct dropdowns. A new 'Native Views Template' dropdown allows PDF generation settings. The Native/HTML HD Mode appears only when relevant, simplifying the interface by hiding unnecessary options.
Update Document Review Made summary available for wordlists. Users can now sees a new “Summary” button in the Wordlists section of the doc explorer that shows a Wordlist Summary when clicked. This now shows the document name, count of wordlists, and total count of terms at the top. A user can now export, search and sort the list.
Update Document Review Add files for extracted text to document/files endpoint and a new property for the download file. For text based text sets, the document/{id}/files endpoint now returns a path to the extracted text.  For native and spreadsheet views, the filePath now contains the PDF or spreadsheet path.
Update Document Review Updated annotation type names to be more descriptive and clear. Annotation type names in the Group By and Filter By sections have been updated to match the names used in the Annotation Toolbar. Descriptive labels like 'Text Highlight' and 'Shape (Rectangle)' are now consistent across all sections, improving clarity for users when working with annotations.
Update Document Review Removed or disabled incomplete filter types in Document Explorer. This update focuses solely on removing or disabling incomplete filters for redactions and annotaions. Several filters may return in future updates once ready.
Update Document Review Updated verbiage for default document fit settings. The default fit settings in the Document Viewer used outdated terminology. 'Full Width' was updated to 'Fit to Width', and 'Page Width' was updated to 'Fit to Page' to align with the language used in the Document Viewer interface and improve consistency.
Update Document Review Additional fields added for sorting job tables. Updates have been made to add sorting functionallity for Errors, User, and DateTime related fields.
Update Imaging Improve timezone dropdowns. When a user is creating a project they will see a variety of improvements related to the timezone. User can now see time zone name. User can now search by city name. Time zones are sorted by GMT offset. User will see each entry formatted: (GMT[offset]) [location] ([time zone]) (e.g., (GMT-6:00) Central Time (Central Standard Time). User will see that UTC is now selected by default.
Update Indexing Enhance index client sub-processing for large documents. Previously, index jobs could appear stuck when processing large documents, causing them to stop accepting new work. This was due to issues with queue timeouts during processing with Hyland. The functionality has been updated to handle large documents more effectively. 
Update Indexing Created Index options for 'errors and unindexed'. Users can now index just the errors or unindexed files in their selection from the grid view. They can select an option for ‘errors and unindexed only’ from the grid view indexing.
Update Production New functionality allows users to export production jobs with enhanced control over output formats. This feature introduces the ability to export production jobs with either legacy TIFF/JPG images or newly generated PDFs. Users can now control the output format, including converting native PDFs into non-searchable PDFs or single-page TIFFs. The process remains backward-compatible with older formats. Depending on the format selected, the system will auto-select the appropriate load file type (LFP or OPT for TIFFs, and LEP for PDFs).
Update Production Production Database Update workflows for stamping new text set. Based on the selected production job, users can now distinguish between Image-based and PDF-based jobs. PDF jobs have updates, including renaming labels to 'Add Production(s) to Native View' and 'PDF Set.' Users can create or select PDF sets, receive errors for duplicate names, and run update jobs with production numbers functioning as they do for image jobs.
Update Searching Changed minimum character requirement for quick filters from 3 to 1. The minimum number of characters required to return results in various search fields (e.g., project search, field search, classifier search) has been adjusted from 3 to 1, allowing for quicker and more flexible search options.
Update Security Added a basic audit log of instance system setting changes. Users who are system administrators will now be able to have access to a list of system-level setting changes that have been made to the MSA (instance). The activity page will show columns: ID of the change, Date (this column will also show the time on that date the change was made), Activity Category, Activity Details, Username of the person who made the change .
Update Storage Updated document retry logic in Review Manager's mover service. The retry logic for moving documents in the Review Manager's mover service has been changed from 3 attempts to 1. If a document path is incorrect or cannot be processed, it will error after the first attempt, preventing job stalls and allowing the process to move forward more efficiently.
Update User Interface Standardized Table columns are now resizeable. A user can now resize the columns on the tables they are looking at horizontally. This takes effect on all Standardized tables across our platform. These tables have mostly been implemented as a part of RMTW and DMTW efforts. 
Update Vectors Added additional flag for ControllerConfig. Changes have been made to the TDM Processing Service to add an additional flag for the controller configuration ti implement for production.
Update Vectors Classifier Worker being implemented. Changes have been made to implement Classifier Workers for production.
Fix Admin Resolved access control issue for project creation. An access control violation was found where low-level users were able to create new projects despite lacking the necessary permissions. This update addresses the issue by ensuring that only users with appropriate permissions can create new projects, preventing unauthorized access and maintaining proper access control.
Fix Admin Restricted unauthorized access to Print job output. Previously, unauthorized users could download and print any export job documents within a case, irrespective of their permissions. This was due to an issue with unauthorized query parameters.
Fix Admin Fixed issue with duplicate role assignments in the Create Project workflow. A fix was applied to resolve duplicate role assignments that caused projects to disappear for the company after project creation. Now, projects will correctly appear without causing role duplication issues during the project creation process.
Fix Admin Rebuild document data page error resolved. Query optimization reduces parallelism and increases chunk size to improve performance and prevent overloading the SQL server during large production exports.
Fix Admin Fixed error when Assign Documents is disabled for a user. A fix was applied to prevent an error from appearing when users without the Assign Documents permission navigated to the Jobs screen. The error message no longer occurs under these conditions.
Fix Admin Field Profile name doesn't update in the Grid after switching profiles inside the Manage Fields Profile modal. User is able to click on manage field profile modal in grid view. From here when they select a different field profile than what is on the grid, make changes and click update: they will see the name of the correct profile displayed in the grid with the correct changes reflected. 
Fix Admin Fixed View Job hyperlink navigating to the wrong screen. A fix was applied to ensure users are directed to the Indexes screen within the Jobs section instead of the Images screen when clicking the 'View Job' hyperlink after performing an index action.
Fix Admin Fixed issue where users were not visible in ASPX pages for newly created projects. A fix was implemented to resolve an issue where users did not appear in ASPX pages (e.g., notifications, assignments, permissions) for projects created through the web UI. Projects created from Review Manager did not experience this issue. The fix ensures users are now correctly displayed in all ASPX pages for new projects.
Fix AI Fixed Vector creation errors. Pre-checks and optimizations have been made to reduce Classification wait times due to previously errored attempts during Vector creation.
Fix AI ASK generating errors in Asia Pacific region. ASK previously may get stuck when generating an answer for users in the Asia Pacific region. Optimizations have been made around the character limit to generate answers more efficiently.
Fix AI Fixed an issue with the processing timestamp in Analytics report. Addressed an issue where the processing timestamp would be pulled incorrectly, which would affect Analytics reports and Vectors. Corrections have been made to ensure time is stored properly as milliseconds.
Fix AI Fixed an ASK issue present in Asia Pacific region. ASK could get stuck due to the token limit, this was seen in the Asia Pacific region. This could could cause ASK to get stuck spinning, the retry amount has been increased to improve performance.
Fix AI RAI errors are now populated in logs. RAI Processing errors could occur at the service level, which could lead to a full build or AI sync failing without notice. Changes have been made so that errors would be output to logs to prevent this error.
Fix AI Introduced timeout in vocabulary building process. Previously, the vocabulary building process could get stuck when checking a phrase that contains an emoji. A default 30-minute timeout value has been added so the process does not hang indefinintely, and a diagnosis can be made.
Fix AI Fix perfomance issue related to emojis. A field that tracks whether an emoji is present was causing significant slow-down during the vocabulary building process, this has been addressed.
Fix AI Emoji detection for Norwegian and Persian removed. Detection on whether emojis are present was causing processing to get stuck for Norwegian and Persian languages. These languages have been removed for emoji detection.
Fix AI AI batch creation error resolved. Resolved an issue where AI batch creation was failing with an error: 'Error adding assignment folders to batch folders fields.' The error prevented successful batch creation.The error has been resolved, and AI batch creation now succeeds as expected. The system no longer encounters the error related to assignment folders and batch folders fields.
Fix AI Cleaned up language for ASK citations. User will be able to see citation changes. User will now see how many references are in how many documents: X cited references (in Y documents). Open Y cited document(s). Sources have now been renamed to documents in the gray bar below citations. The citation cards are no longer highlighted blue.
Fix ASK Fixed issue with split flags not checked before indexBatch starts with ASK enabled. A fix was applied to address an issue where new projects failed to enable ASK when the split flag was on, preventing the generation of TextPartitions during batch processing. The split flag check has been removed, and users can now enable Ask by following the updated project configuration process.
Fix Assignments Fixed behavior of document count textboxes in Assign Documents modal. Previously, users were unable to delete the prepopulated '0' value in the 'Document Limit Per Folder' and 'Max Additional Documents' textboxes within the Assign Documents modal without highlighting it. The update allows users to click into these textboxes and delete the '0' value directly. Additionally, validation remains in place to ensure that the values entered are numeric and within the supported limits.
Fix Assignments Fixed error running Assignment jobs. When submitting an assignment job, the job was produce an error immediately on the assignment jobs screen, this has been corrected.
Fix Assignments Fixed issue with Assign job creation for teams or pools with no users. A fix was applied to prevent Assign jobs from being created when a team or pool has no assigned users. Now, if no users are present, the job is blocked with an error, ensuring assignments cannot be made without valid assignees.
Fix Bulk Update Fixed issue with document updates being blocked by large jobs. Document updates, previously processed in a 'first in, first out' manner, are now grouped by database. This change prevents large bulk updates from delaying other project updates by creating a separate thread for each database, improving efficiency and reducing delays.
Fix Database Update Fixed Image View preventing Database Update job. When setting up a Database Update, and the 'Add Production(s) to Image View' option is unchecked, it will incorrectly prompt for an image set. Issue has been addressed and users can save the Database Update job as expected.
Fix Document Review Fixes applied for several buttons related to filtering, redactions, and profiles. Reviewers can now filter and group redactions by specific profiles, making it easier to review how redactions have been applied. A modal displays available grouping options like redaction profiles or users, showing the number of redactions made. Additionally, redaction snippets now include the profile label, providing more context for review actions.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue with the 'Before Date' filter in the Redactions filter. A fix was applied to correct the behavior of the 'Before Date' filter in the Document Viewer. Previously, the filter did not apply correctly, displaying all redactions regardless of the selected date. Now, the document search results update to display only redactions applied before the specified date, and the filter date no longer defaults to today's date.
Fix Document Review Issues on changing style for different types of annotations User can change styles for different types of annotations, including the Highlighter, Hand, Box, Circle, Line, Polygon, Polyline, and Arc annotion types.
Fix Document Review Fixed labels and drop-down options for Annotations in Document Viewer print function. User will now see that in the Document Viewer Print Function, the dropdown menu under 'Annotation Types' includes the options, Select All, Highlight, Shape, and Text.
Fix Document Review Addressed issues for when the Native path view is missing. When user clicks on a document in the grid view that does not have a Native View path, the mini doc viewer and the doc viewer will display the document correctly now. 
Fix Document Review Resolved issue with annotations from multiple users not displaying after reopening a document. Previously, when a document with multiple annotations from one user was closed and reopened, new annotations added by a different user were not displayed. This issue led to only the annotations from the first user being visible, affecting collaborative review processes. The problem has been resolved, ensuring that all annotations from multiple users are now properly displayed after reopening a document in the viewer.
Fix Document Review Fixed Tag Profile error when running a bulk tag update. Users encountered an error message, 'Tag Profile ID Must Be Valid', when attempting to perform a bulk update on tags for multiple documents. This issue occurred on newer projects using either Standard First Level Review or newly created tag profiles, but did not affect older projects. The bug has been resolved, and tags are now updated successfully.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where holding Shift did not select annotations or redactions in the Document Explorer. Users experienced an issue when holding the Shift key while selecting annotations or redactions in the Document Explorer did not update the selection status. Selected objects appeared correctly in the viewer but were not marked as selected in the Document Explorer pane. This has been resolved, ensuring that holding Shift to select multiple annotations or redactions now properly reflects the selection in both areas.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where selection was lost after changing annotation format. Previously, changing the format of one or more annotations caused the selection to be lost after applying the new format. For example, selecting an annotation and then changing its color would result in the selection being cleared after saving. This issue has been resolved, ensuring selections remain highlighted until explicitly deselected by the user.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where the style modal was not draggable. The style modal appeared to be draggable as the cursor changed when hovering over the title bar, but it did not actually move when dragged. This bug has been resolved, and the style modal is now draggable, consistent with the behavior of other modals.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where redactions and annotations were available outside of Native View. Redactions and annotations should only be accessible when viewing the original native document. This update ensures that the annotate/redact buttons are disabled when switching to another text set other than the Native View. Additionally, annotations and redactions are no longer displayed on non-native views. 
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where Wordlist highlights did not appear in Document Viewer. Wordlist highlights were not visible when the Document Viewer was opened for the first time, only appearing after opening the Document Explorer and then navigating to other documents. This update ensures that Wordlist highlights are visible immediately upon opening the viewer, without requiring the explorer to be opened first.
Fix Document Review Fixed missing translation error and visibility issue for redactions in document explorer. A 'Missing Translation' error was displayed in the document explorer when redactions were present that the user did not have access to. This update resolves the issue by ensuring that no missing translation error is shown. Additionally, redactions belonging to profiles that the user does not have access to will no longer appear in the document explorer at all.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue with unexpected word highlights in the wordlist. Wordlist highlights were incorrectly applied to unexpected words when viewing different versions of a document, or after unrelated terms were removed from the list. This update ensures that removing terms does not affect highlighted words. Additionally, the same words will consistently be highlighted between the Extracted and Native view.
Fix Document Review Updated 404 error message for text documents. Text documents returning a 404 error returned an XML-based response. When a text document cannot be retrieved, the error message returned has been improved for readabilility.
Fix Document Review Simplified redaction mode switched to a single button. The Redaction mode switch button has been simplified to a single button with an icon. Previously, the button’s state determined whether redactions were enabled or disabled. With this update, clicking the button changes the icon and tooltip instead of toggling the button's state.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where redaction toolbar remained open when switching to non-native view PDFs. Previously, users were able to create and interact with redactions even when viewing a non-native PDF set. The redaction toolbar was not closing when switching to a new PDF view that was not native. This update ensures that the redaction toolbar closes automatically when switching to a non-native view, and all redaction actions are disabled in non-native PDF views.
Fix Document Review Addressed issues with redaction appearance in printed documents. When printing a document with redactions that were burned in, blue or red borders were displayed instead of the actual redaction boxes. This occurred even though the redactions appeared correctly in the native view and toggle preview. The update resolves this issue by ensuring that redactions are printed with the burned-in appearance as expected, rather than showing only colored borders.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue with redactions not printing when annotations are included. Previously, when attempting to print a document with both annotations and redactions, the redactions were not included in the output PDF. The issue occurred when both types of content were selected for printing. The update resolves this by ensuring that both annotations and redactions are properly included in the printed PDF.
Fix Document Review Fixed default zoom level issue in document viewer. Previously, the Document Viewer's default zoom level defaulted to 'Fit to Width', regardless of the user's settings. This update ensures that the zoom level behaves as expected when 'Fit to Width' or 'Fit to Page' is selected.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where redactions and annotations were lost when switching between views. Previously, redactions and annotations placed in the Native view were lost when switching to other views such as OCR or Loaded, even after saving. The issue could occure when navigating to the next document before switching views. Redactions and annotations are now properly preserved when switching between views.
Fix Document Review Removed HTML view option from the new viewer’s drop-down. In the new viewer, the HTML view continued to render, potentially causing confusion to users as it is is not relevant in the current context where the PDF view is now the default view. The HTML view suppresses the HTML view option from the new viewer’s drop-down.
Fix Document Review Fixed Delete tooltip for annotation and redaction icons. Previously, the Delete tooltip was missing from the trash can icons used for annotations and redactions, the tooltip now appears as expected.
Fix Document Review Fixed inconsistency in total and produced page counts for PDF production jobs. A fix was implemented to resolve inconsistencies where the total page count in PDF production jobs did not match the completed page count, particularly when slip sheets were involved. The individual document page counts now accurately reflect the output in both the job listing and summary report.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue requiring Annotate and Redact permissions to open documents in the PDF viewer. A fix was implemented to ensure users can open documents in the PDF viewer without needing Annotate or Redact permissions. Previously, users without these permissions would encounter errors and be redirected to the Projects page, which is no longer the case.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where annotations should behave as read-only if Annotate permission is off. A fix ensures that annotations in the PDF viewer are treated as read-only when the 'Review > Annotate' permission is disabled. Users without this permission can view annotations but cannot edit, delete, or modify them, aligning with expected behavior.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where users without redaction profile access could still see redactions. A fix was implemented to ensure that users who do not have access to redaction profiles cannot see redactions in the Document Viewer or the document explorer. If a user lacks access, redactions will be completely hidden, as intended.
Fix Document Review Fixed missing translation error in the annotate button tooltip. A fix was applied to resolve an issue where a missing translation error appeared in the annotate button tooltip when users without the annotate permission hovered over the button in the document viewer. The tooltip now displays correctly without errors.
Fix Document Review Annotations are displayed after navigating documents, also they can be created and removed. A fix was implemented to ensure annotations and redactions remain visible after navigating between documents in the Document Viewer. Previously, they would disappear after moving to the next or previous document, but they now display as expected when navigating.
Fix Document Review Fixed issue where the PDF viewer rejected users without Annotate permission. A fix was implemented to ensure that users can access the document viewer in the PDF viewer even if they do not have the Annotate permission. Previously, users were blocked from viewing documents if they lacked this permission.
Fix Export Fixed issue with incorrect sorting of exported documents. A fix was applied to ensure that documents are exported in the correct sorting order as selected in the Export document model. Previously, documents were sorted in the opposite order—ascending when descending was selected and vice versa. This behavior has now been corrected.
Fix Field Profile Fixed sorting in Manage Profiles. A fix was applied to save and reflect the Ascending/Descending order in Manage Profiles. The 'Sort by Ascending Order' text was removed, and sorting now behaves correctly across the grid and search results.
Fix Image Labeling Fixed broken job links for job types with hyphens. Previously, job links were broken for types containing hyphens due to mismatches between API job types and the frontend implementation. This issue caused errors when accessing job screens from the frontend. The API has been updated to accept job types with hyphens as strings, aligning with changes made to the frontend in Unified-4841. As a result, clicking on 'Image Labels' in the React frontend now correctly opens the jobs screen in the classic web interface, navigating to the appropriate tab without errors.
Fix Imaging Fixed issue where bulk imaging overwrites annotations in UAT. When a user is bulk imaging, they can select 'Do not overwrite any existing pages' or 'All except annotated or redacted pages.' In both cases, after bulk imaging, annotations are displayed on document in Image view correctly.
Fix Indexing Fixed issue with setting alerts at the end of indexing jobs. A fix was implemented to address an error where an incorrect table-valued parameter with 3 columns was passed, instead of the required 2 columns. Alerts now function correctly when selected, and alerts will appear in the document viewer for failed documents during Indexing jobs.
Fix Printing Corrected printed logs for document filter versions with indexing client service. Previously, the log print for displaying the version of Hyland document filters in the indexing client service was incorrect, showing an error message. This issue arose because the document filters were manually copied into the bin folder instead of using NuGet packages.The process has been updated to use NuGet packages for Hyland document filters. The log now correctly displays the version number of the filters instead of an error message. Observations of logs or the Lens indexing client pod at startup will confirm the corrected log print.
Fix Production Slipsheet Exclusion rule caused slipsheet text to not be present in Summary report. A fix was implemented to ensure slipsheet text now appears in the Summary report for documents excluded by slipsheet rules. The status of produced documents is accurately reported, with a new Slipsheet Count column added to display the number of slipsheeted documents. The Pages column now reflects the actual number of generated pages. These changes provide clearer reporting on document processing results.
Fix Production Resolved issue with manual text input not displaying for excluded documents for Production jobs. Previously manual text input for production jobs was not displaying in the lower middle area for excluded documents, causing confusion regarding the slip-sheets for users. Now the issue with the display of manual text input has been resolved. All text entered for excluded documents now correctly appears in the lower middle area.
Fix Production Improved performance of production export queries. Previously, production exports with large document sets caused excessive load on the database due to inefficient querying. This issue led to long query times and server strain, especially with over 1 million documents.
Fix Production Fixed Production Job Name issue for Database Update job. Previously, starting a Database Update job would append the Production Job Name even though the user has left the 'Add Production Job Name' option unchecked. This has been corrected so that the the option isn't automatically added to the job.
Fix Production Fixed issue with tag choice names longer than 128 characters not displaying in grid. A fix was implemented to allow tag choice names up to 200 characters to display in the grid. Previously, names longer than 128 characters were cut off due to a limitation in the SQL function used. The function has been updated to ensure longer tag names now appear correctly after document updates.
Fix Production Fixed issue with file type slipsheet condition not applied in production jobs. A fix was implemented to ensure all conditions in a slipsheet template—such as File Type, Work Folder, Saved Search, and Privileged—are correctly applied during production jobs. Previously, only privileged documents were excluded, while other conditions, like file types, were ignored.
Fix Production Fixed issue with import counts not updating when selecting 'Update Counts on Search'. A fix was implemented to resolve the issue where import counts in the side pane failed to update correctly when using the 'Update Counts on Search' feature. The counts now accurately reflect the search criteria, addressing previous discrepancies and errors.
Fix Production Fixed issue with Production jobs erroring out when slipsheets are included. Previously, Production jobs would display as errored if a document met a slipsheet condition, even when documents were produced correctly. This led to incorrect Production numbering as slipsheets were not accounted for, and incorrect production numbers were assigned to pages that were not actually produced. The update ensures that Production jobs with slipsheets complete successfully, and  slipsheets are assigned only to a single Production number.
Fix Production Restricted color settings to PDF production jobs only. Previously, color settings were incorrectly accessible when image Production jobs were selected for a Production export. The update ensures that the color settings menu only appears when a Production job with the PDF option is selected.
Fix Production Export Fixed issue with production export downloads being empty. A fix was implemented to resolve an issue where production exports, including native, image, and PDF jobs, generated empty volumes and load files containing only headers. This issue affected both new and existing projects, and the fix ensures that document data is now properly included in exported files.
Fix Reports Fixed the discrepancy between Efficiency Report and User Report. The issue where the Efficiency Report showed different results over time has been fixed. Previously, the report was not aligning correctly with the Breakdown Report due to a problem with date handling. This issue has been resolved, and the reports should now display consistent and accurate results.
Fix Reports Improved performance for Tagging Efficiency Report - EY UAE MENA Region. The issue has been resolved. Access to download and print job documents is now restricted. Only Project admins or users with specific access to the job can export such documents, ensuring proper permissions are enforced.
Fix Reports Fixed internal server error when expanding records on the Tagging Accuracy Report. A fix was implemented to resolve an issue where users encountered a Callback request error message when attempting to expand populated records in the Tagging Accuracy Report. The records now expand without errors, displaying the detailed information as expected.
Fix Reports Fixed issue preventing users from downloading reports from the Accuracy Report. A fix was applied to resolve an error that blocked report downloads (XLSX, PDF, CSV, and CSV Non-Formatted) in the Accuracy Report. Users can now download reports without encountering any errors.
Fix Reports Run Feature & Score reports toggle does not toggle User should be able to check/uncheck the option for 'Run Feature & Score reports' option under classifiers.
Fix Review Export Fixed delimiter in relative pathing for Native Exports. Previously relative paths in CSV exports used underscores after the prefix instead of the standard folder delimiter (\). Now, paths are correctly formatted with the standard folder delimiter (\)
Fix Review Manager Fixed issue with API user not being added to new projects in Review Manager. A fix was implemented to ensure that the MSA API user is automatically added to new projects created in Review Manager and assigned to the Administrator group, preventing AI document sync failures.
Fix Searching Fix for inconsistent search results. Resolved inconsistent keyword search results for non-indexed documents, ensuring hits only appear for documents with corresponding text sets in the document viewer.
Fix Searching Fixed misalignment in the Term List modal. A fix was implemented to ensure all elements, including the totals count, are properly aligned within the Term List search modal. Previously, the totals count was misaligned in table view, causing an inconsistent display.
Fix Storage Resolved issue of removing documents from AI staging tables during bulk deletions. Previously, after users performed bulk deletes, some documents were still showing up in the AI staging and report tables, even though they were removed from the main database.Now, when documents are deleted in bulk, they are also removed from the AI staging and report tables, so no outdated information remains.
Fix Tagging Fixed issue with missing field values in export CSV for Company Admins. A fix was implemented to ensure tag fields are correctly included in the export CSV when run by a Company Admin, even if they are not part of any teams. This applies to both grid and production exports.
Fix Translation Fixed issue where translations and transcriptions were displayed in new viewer. Previously, translations and transcription for media files (Opus, MP3) were not showing in the new viewer, though jobs were successful. This issue, affecting multiple clients, has been fixed, and translations now display correctly in the new viewer.
Fix Translation Fixed missing translation for message icon on the Review grid. A fix was applied to ensure that when users hover over the message (envelope) icon in the Review grid, the correct text is displayed, addressing the previous missing translation issue.
Fix Upload Fixed missing Status menu and Document Count in Upload Jobs. A fix has been applied to ensure the Status menu on the Upload Job Status page is populated with options like ‘Archive Exception Detail’ and ‘Upload Summary Report,’ and that the Original Documents Loaded value reflects the actual number of documents uploaded.
Fix Upload Fixed issue with uploader jobs getting stuck. A fix was implemented to resolve an issue where uploader jobs would get stuck at the 'Uploading' step, caused by a REST API buffer overload in the 24.9 release. This issue prevented jobs from progressing beyond the upload phase.

*  Features might be enabled only for some projects or require specific steps to access. Reach out to your representative if you’d like to inquire about getting access to it. 


Last Updated 9/24/2024