Reveal 2024.4 Release Notes

Items included in the 2024.4 release. Release Date 5/01/2024.


Reveal 2024.4 Key Feature Highlights

Company & Instance Administration 

  • Favoriting Projects
  • (Controlled Rollout) Project Creation
  • Instance & Company Admins can see all projects (except .NET)

Platform Stability & Scalability

  • Short term reduction of RAI vectors data movement across RAI Persistent storage

Review Efficiency Improvements

  • Review Workflow filters added to left-sidebar

Usability & Appearance Enhancements

  • Remember field selection on 3 dashboard widgets
  • Update how Bulk Actions indicate required fields
  • Updated approach to determining when to prompt the user with a ‘Discard Changes?’ message in Search Builder

Release Detail


Issue Type






Admin user can create a new blank project within new Company Admin area.

[Early Access Feature, may not be available on all projects.] If the user is a Company Admin, there is a new early-access feature that enabled an ADD PROJECT button in the new Company Admin area. The feature is meant to create a new project entirely within the web UI, without needing to use other tools to create corresponding projects, such as Review Manager or Discovery Manager.



Ask - Doc Query presence should be reflected in UI.

[Ask in an Early-Access feature]. Questions asked against a subset of the documents, such as the current search, will have an indicator CUSTOM SEARCH displayed near the answer. Questions asked against the whole project will have an indicator ALL DOCS displayed near the answer.



As a user, I want to be able to filter on All Reviewed By, All Reviewed On fields.

Added new section in the left-hand filters area, called Review Workflow, to allow users to quickly filter down to the relevant documents based on Tag Profile or User that marked a document as Is-Reviewed.



Add new permission for the Processing Status tab.

[Early Access Feature, may not be available on all projects.] If the current project has been linked to a processing project, and if the current user has a particular permission, there is a new ability to display the progress of started Processing jobs from the left (drawer) menu. The button is called Processing.



Retrieve a list of projects and mark them as favorites.

Users have the ability to designate projects as 'favorite' by clicking a star so they can work from a smaller list when selecting projects on the initial screen following a login. The project list now has a toggle to display all projects, or just those marked as 'favorites'.



Add accessible name to AI-Driven Batches queue buttons.

Added screen-reader markup for several tooltips in the AI-Batches area.



Add accessible properties to classifier setting tooltips.

Added screen-reader markup for several tooltips in the Supervised Learning area.


AI Sync

Cleanup old vectors after RAI vectors processing.

Short term reduction of RAI vectors data movement across RAI Persistent storage and disk space cleanup for old vectors.



Assign Bulk Action - Clarify required fields instead of disabling Submit.

Added a message clarifying required fields for bulk assignment. If the Submit button is clicked without all required fields being filled out, a message will display informing which required fields still need to be filled in.


Data Visualizations

Remember field selections in 3 widgets.

As a convenience feature, similar to the Timeline widget, the platform will now remember field selections in the Extension, Entity and Custodian widgets across login sessions. If a user changed the first widget that defaults to the Extension field to show another text field, such as App name, this selection will persist across logins.



For new projects, increase allowed size for sender field from 400 to 10,000 and make it multi-value.

For new projects, the SENDER field has been increased from 400 to 10,000 characters. It has also been marked multi-value to allow faceting (aggregations) and sorting for a field of this size.



Languages. Add Dutch Language to UI Translation.

The user settings for language of the user interface (UI) now include Dutch (Nederlands).



Log4j2 JVMMonitor issue: Unable to create Appender of type RollingFile.

Enhanced logging for better troubleshooting AI sync jobs.



Permissions and permission categories should be sorted alphabetically.

The Project Admin > Permissions > Roles > Assign Permissions dialog modal has been tweaked to sort the permission categories alphabetically for easier scanning of the available permissions.



Missing 'Cancel' Button in Modals for Adding Date/Time Fields to Search.

Minor update. The Cancel button was missing from dialog modals for configuring Date/Time search criteria. The X button was present, but the Cancel button, which has the same function but is placed near Submit, was missing.


Storage Management

Delete in working storage so we don't push to persistent.

Short term reduction of RAI vectors data movement across RAI Persistent storage.


Storage Management

Skip copying of IDFCountsForTextVectors from working to persistent storage.

Short term reduction of RAI vectors data movement across RAI Persistent storage.



Resolve library vulnerabilities on 3.20.

Updated multiple libraries to latest version to resolve reported security vulnerabilities.



Update Vectors code to keep 2 copies of vectors.

Short term reduction of instances where large Classifier jobs can run into issues with Vectors being generated as part of an active AI sync



Standardizing headings in all standard modals (headings h3) and structural refactoring.

Stylistic tweaks to the heading font size and weight to better align with the UI styleguide.



Remove the tag-count element present on the document cards in the right-hand sidebar.

Minor update. The document cards in the right-hand sidebar contained a tag icon and tag-count for each document. This element has been removed as it was not reflective of useful information in all cases.



A number can appear in assignment jobs for Tag Profile instead of the name of the Tag Profile.

A number can appear in the assignment jobs modal instead of the actual name of the tag profile. It will not cause any jobs to error out, and is only a visual bug.



A number can appear in assignment jobs for Tag Profile instead of the name of the Tag Profile.

A number can appear in the assignment jobs modal instead of the actual name of the tag profile. It will not cause any jobs to error out, and is only a visual bug.



Document deletion taking longer than expected to update document count in grid and folders.

A specific workflow of deleting documents with the option 'all documents, files, and artifacts' would successfully delete the requested items but delay the update, or fail the update, of the overall document count in the top right of the document grid, and in the folder counts. This has been corrected.


Doc Viewer

Text Box Display Lines not updating the size of the field in Viewer.

Multi-line text fields added to tag profiles or field profiles in the Document Viewer did not resize proportionally when the "Display Lines" was updated to a larger number, such as six. This has been corrected.


Document Folders

Issue with Deleting top level document folder causing duplicate folder hierarchy identifiers.

A certain workflow of building Document Folders was producing duplicate folder hierarchies if the user had previously deleted a top-level Document Folder and then re-ran Build Document Folders. This has been corrected.



Sorting on PAGE_COUNT Ascending did not work in Print jobs.

Corrected an issue with bulk Print jobs that could fail if the sort field was PAGE_COUNT in Ascending order.


Saved Search

Searches with 10 or more nested parentheses errored out when saving.

Saving a search that had 10 or more nested parentheses (search groups) errored out when saving. This has been corrected.



Preset shortcuts not working on keywords for Search builder.

The keyword and term list dialog modals of the search builder contain a helper menu, a syntax cheat-sheet, to remind users of RQL and other search syntax conventions. Clicking the helper menu entry was also meant to insert a preset matching the syntax example. That insertion was failing and now has been corrected.



Reviewer/Power Reviewer not able to see restricted fields on search builder in Fields category.

In certain conditions, the new feature to restrict field visibility on the Reviewer role (and other Roles, if configured without the Access All Fields/Tags for Search) was limiting several of the Non-Importable fields for higher-permission Roles, which were meant to not be affected. This has been corrected.



Remove the ability to search with leading wildcard. Fields will still support leading and trailing wildcards.

[Released as March patch already, also applies to April release] In order to enhance platform stability and performance, we have removed the ability to run leading wildcard keyword searches while we investigate the issue. Any existing saved searches or hit reports that use wildcards in the forms listed below will be impacted, so be sure to adjust your search parameters accordingly. This change will not impact wordlists. Examples are below to assist in modifying any saved searches. This functionality may be re-evaluated as further investigations are conducted.




-Contains searching on a field:



FIELD::*word second*

FIELD::*word second





FIELD::“*word second”

FIELD::“*word second*”

“*word second” 


Short Message

Short Message HTML file not imaging inline images.

In some cases, producing short messages (iMessage) to a new Image Set could result in missing inline images (replaced by blank rectangles) in the produced Image Set. This has been addressed.


Supervised Learning

Dataset reports lastModified timestamps not updated after incremental builds.

During incremental data ingestion, under certain circumstances, newly added documents were not properly represented in the vector data utilized by Supervised Learning classifiers. Consequently, the AI scores corresponding to these new documents were absent. After the fix, the incremental data ingestion will work end-to-end, including the data required to populate supervised learning AI scores for the new documents.



Edit Delete and Process Transcripts options are available within transcript folder menu but do not apply.

The context menu for the category (parent) of Transcript folders contained repeated options to Delete and to Process Transcript. These options apply to all folders under Transcripts, but not the parent node Transcripts. The context menu was updated to remove these irrelevant options.



Fix confirmation (Discard Changes) in Search builder.

The search builder has an updated approach to determining when to prompt the user with a Discard Changes? confirmation based on when search criteria in the builder has been modified.


Last Updated 5/24/2024