Reveal 2024.2 Release Notes

Items included in the 2024.2 Reveal release. Release Date 02/28/2024.

Reveal 2024.2 Key Feature Highlights

Company & Instance Administration

  • Updated User Editing Experience

Supervised Learning

  • Training Statistics By Round
  • Model Publishing with Auto Clean-up
  • Table View of Classifiers and Model Library
  • Separation of document scoring tables to improve interoperability with other indexing tasks

Communications View Enhancements

  • More info on the person card
  • Several tweaks based on user & stakeholder feedback

Efficiency Improvements

  • Copy field logic improvement
  • Filter for Has Been Produced
  • Updated Application Type Filter with a More… link
  • Project Deletion Improvements

Usability & Appearance Enhancements

  • Building Document Folders – Review Manager to the Web
  • Assignment Job actions added for Auto-Assign jobs
  • Link to assignment folder in modal now permission-based

Release Detail

Issue Type






Add actions to assign jobs.

For users with specific permissions, there is now more convenient access to common actions related to Assignment jobs in the Assignments modal - Enable, Disable, Delete, Export. These actions are still also available in the Project Admin > Jobs > Assignments area.



As a user, I want a quick filter available to find all documents that have been marked as produced in the system.

Added a new filter called "Has been produced" that filters to documents that have been produced.


Model Library

Add list view as an option to model library.

The model list in the Model Library can now be displayed as a table, with pagination and sorting options, in addition to the current card view.



Health check service for the Imaging Service.

To enhance proactive monitoring of key components, we added a Health Check service for the Imaging Service.



Add pagination to Projects Selector.

The Project list in the new Company administration area has been paginated for efficiency of navigation and faster loading.


Publishing Models

Add Customization Options when Models Are Being Published to the Library.

When publishing a classifier as a model in the model library, there are new options to perform automatic clean-up of features in the classifier. The options are under the Customize... selection in the Publish to Model Library window. Classification features can be automatically removed before publishing to the library based on whether they: contain digits, contain email addresses, contain boilerplate text, originate from metadata fields, match a customer-uploaded list of strings, or a combination of these choices. When selecting these customization options but prior to publishing, users will have a preview option to see the top five, or all, of the features that were detected and removed based on the detection criteria.


Supervised Learning

Add options to see classifiers as table

The Classifier list in Supervised Learning can now be displayed as a table, with pagination and sorting options, in addition to the current card view. The current card view has also been enhanced with more sorting options.


Supervised Learning

Training Statistics by Round. Add New Supervised Learning Report Area.

A new advanced reporting tool has been added to classifiers in the Supervised Learning section - Training Statistics. It allows users to see historical score distribution and control set metrics about completed training rounds. The report will start populating after 3 rounds are completed. Metrics related to the control set require users to review a control set batch, and to set desired recall goal and confidence interval.



Selected banner for checked items in table.

Added a selected count banner to display in all the new project management tables. This selector persists through paging and searching.



[PROD] Instance admin users - user - clicking on a project gives an error if the Instance admin does not have access to the project.

Improved the experience when an administrator navigated to a project to which they didn't assign themselves.


AI Sync

Add the status notification for particular job states on the AI sync job page.

To provide support teams with more relevant status information, the AI Sync jobs page may include a notice on top if the job processing queue is currently experiencing delays.



Reviewers will not have access to the hyperlink on a batch.

Users gained access to a hyperlink in the first column of Assignment modal to search by batch several releases ago. Due to feedback received from clients around specific reviewer workflows, this hyperlink will now only show for users with a certain permission (Manage Assignment Batches for Other Users).


Brain Explorer

Update Brain Explorer UI to align with style guide.

Tweaked the Brain Explorer (Search > Concept Search > Brain Explorer) feature for better readability in Dark Mode and close alignment with visual standards across the product.


Bulk Copy

Semicolon in multi value field vs text field.

When bulk appending or prepending for updating a field Reveal now only inserts a semicolon if the target field is multivalued.



More detailed view of person from graph data.

The person card in the Communication view has been updated to show communicators most-frequently contacted by the selected person. This data is populated dynamically from the current view and therefore reflects current search criteria (if any).



Show number of nodes on top of view.

The total number of nodes (such as communicators or domains) returned by the current search criteria is now also shown in the top-right corner of the Communications view. Previously, it was available only in Comm. Settings. Clicking that number will open the Comm. Settings so users can adjust the number of nodes shown (up to the total number returned).



Add the number of docs to each link.

The connecting lines on the Communication graph now show the number of communications (messages) between the two connecting nodes. These numbers reflect the current search criteria (if any), as does the rest of the Communication view.



Add a tooltip to explain how drag-to-select works.

Several tooltips have been added to the person profile (card) to better explain the functionality of available actions.



Confirmation modal is not displayed after merging communicators.

When performing a communicator merge from the full list of communicators, a confirmation message was not shown to the user to reiterate their choices. The merge was occurring right after the initial selection and now will present an opportunity to verify the selection before performing the merge.


Document Folders

Doc folder Ids not clearing on "delete existing folders" job.

Enhanced the document folder deletion workflow to provide correct counts after rebuilding.



Search in field modals should match against displayName and fieldName.

Quick-search now allows to user to use a display name or a database name when looking up fields in areas like Manage Your Grid, Manage Field Profiles, Sort Fields, and so on.



Field: Exported File Extension.

Updated the "Exported File Extension" field to be faceted for all new projects.



Add "View all..." option for Application Type Filter.

Added a view all option for the Application Type filer in the left sidebar.



Show an indicator between columns when resizing.

Small UI enhancement to show an indicator of column boundaries when resizing columns in the Grid.



As a user with manage admin folder permissions, I need access to "admin folders > work folders > all folders" under production jobs once assigned to a project.

A user with the "manage admin folders" permission is now able to see a list of all folders under the "work folders" tab.



Production: status success, and displays image count but also gives slipsheet text.

Improved slip sheet reporting for production jobs so it now displays the text only if a document was slip sheeted.


Saved Search

Tooltip on warning icon on Saved Searches.

Added tooltips to the warning icons that appear when saved search folders are deleted.



Drop zones around search operators made larger.

To address a potential usability and accessibility issue, the drag-and-drop functionality of the Advanced Search builder has been updated with larger 'drop zones' that will make arranging criteria easier via drag-and-drop.


Supervised Learning

Dark mode support for Charts in Supervise Learning.

Charts in the Supervised Learning area render better in dark mode.


Supervised Learning

Clarify Progress in the question mark tooltip.

Several tooltips in the Supervised Learning area have been updated to include more details in-context, instead of referring the user to the full documentation.


Term List

Term List with 780+ terms fails to finish preview counts.

Improved speed and stability for term lists that contain many search terms.



As a User, I expect to see Available Text Sets in a translation job listed in Alphabetical Order.

Text sets now appear in alphabetical order for translation jobs.



Increase contrast of default textbox labels.

Several other accessibility-related enhancements have been made to colors, labels, and UI elements. These items are part of continuous accessibility improvement process.



Add accessible name and tooltip to keyword helper button.

The { } button next to keyword field has been updated with an accessible name and tooltip for users with assistive screen reader technology.



Indicate required fields.

Required fields are now indicated with a red asterisk in areas such as bulk actions (update, assign, export and so on). This change also applies to many other form elements throughout the product.



Improve layout of user edit modal for smaller screens.

Improved the layout of the edit user experience in the Company Administration area.


Work Folders

R11.11.14 - User is unable to create sub-work folders after inactivating another user.

Improved the workflow for subfolders creation when a work folder is owned by a deactivated account.



Companies not alphabetized when creating a user.

The list of companies and projects shown when giving permissions to a user isn’t shown in alphabetical order—making it difficult to scan the list to find one or the other.



Project overview from RMTW UI does not contain client name.

Within the new RMTW companies-projects-information area there is a location that should be populated with a hyperlink to the client.



Corrected edit-user API call relating to bulk-update of access.

Corrected a bulk edit scenario in the new Company Administration's user-edit screen.



Instance Administrator Permission Uncheck is NOT allowed by a 400 Error - Master.

Fixed an issue where the instance admin permission could not be removed from a user.



Cluster Wheel - Pinpoint Wheel Bug.

Corrected an issue where the show-document-on-wheel from the right sidebar was not working.



Merge -> Unmerge-> Merge message shows aliases prior to unmerge.

Corrected a workflow issue where the confirmation message of the Merge Aliases function was showing information somewhat out of date.



RM - DAT - Project deletion does not delete.

A deleted project could still appear in the Review Manager desktop tool (RM) in certain circumstances.



Export essue when filename has non-standard Windows characters.

Enhanced handling of file names that contain non-standard windows characters while exporting.


Field Profiles

Metadata View not loading fields correctly.

Fixed an edge case where metadata view was not properly displaying field properties until a page refresh.


Model Library

Importing a model file (.NPS) using `Import Model` fails.

Corrected an issue with the ability to import NPS model files to the Model Library.



Sorting off by one when dragging up item in Manage Fields.

Corrected a scenario where the drag-and-drop method of sorting fields in the Manage Fields window was off by one item in some situations.



Adjusting Sort Order for Manage fields or Jobs causes multiples of the same field.

Correct a scenario where removing and re-adding fields to the Sort order creates unexpected results, such as the same field appearing multiple times.


Supervised Learning

Fixed counts for when Control set had documents that were not tagged.

Fixed an issue where the Control set documents that were not tagged were counted twice. This count of document is shown in Not Tagged field in the Control Set tab.



R11.11 - Mutually exclusive tag sets are outputting multiple tag choices.

Removed the ability for multi-select tag choices to be switched to mutually exclusive choices.



Update UI for all tabs.

Several small layout and spacing tweaks have been made to match the UI uniformity style guide.



Fix spacing around radio button lists.

Several small layout and spacing tweaks have been made to match the UI uniformity style guide.


Last Updated 3/06/2024