Reveal 2024.3 Release Notes

Items included in the Reveal 2024.3 release. Release Date 4/01/2024.

Reveal 2024.3 Key Feature Highlights

Company & Instance Administration

  • Deleted Project Clean-Up.

Field Search

  • For non-admins, the fields available for search are driven by team memberships.

Stability & Scalability

  • Optimized loading time following a login.

Usability & Appearance Enhancements

  • No more local time-zone effect on date search criteria.
  • Better Discard confirmation logic in search builder.
  • Removed dependence on View Empty Assignment Folder.
  • Added ability for reviewer to reset own Field Profile.
  • Added Zoom In/Zoom Out in doc viewer (HTML view).
  • Added Copy Link to Document within the Document Viewer .
  • Continued accessibility improvements.
  • Time zone adjustment on Reviewer Efficiency and Tagging Breakdown reports.

Release Detail

Issue Type





Document Link

As a user I would like to have an easier means of emailing a document link to a user.

This feature takes an existing feature in being able to send an email link to a document to a selection of users and moves the ability to copy the link to the document one click closer. When a user clicks the email document link button, they will now be presented with a second option to Copy Document Link. Selecting this will copy the document link to the user's clipboard allowing them to paste the link into an email or other messaging tools.


Document Viewer

As a user, I would like to be able to zoom the HTML/text views of the document.

In the text & near native view of the document, there are now controls that allow a user to zoom in/out of the view of the document and to reset to the starting view of the document.


Field Profiles

Allow user to reset profile view back to the default.

Users, including reviewers, who have made modifications to the field profile on the grid, such as hiding or re-ordering columns, can reset that profile to its original form.



Restrict visibility of fields in global search based on teams.

Field availability in the search builder is driven by the users' permissions and the teams they belong to, specifically by the Field Profiles given to their teams. The same applies to fields available in certain dashboard widgets (only relevant if the dashboard is enabled via a permission). Users with the permission 'Allow All Fields/Tags for Search' are exempt from the profile-based field visibility and can see all available fields.



Create a User with Duplicate Email is displaying a generic message.

Improved error messaging around creating a new user with a duplicative email address from the web UI.



Add more columns to the Assignment export.

On the CSV file for 'Assignment Export', some columns have been added and now include the following fields: 'Id', 'lastActionDatetime', 'reviewedCount', 'documentCount', 'markedBatchCompleteByUserName', 'isBatchComplete' 'reviewedCount', 'documentCount' and 'markedBatchCompleteByUserName'.



Assign Bulk Action to clarify required fields instead of disabling Submit.

Added a message clarifying required fields for bulk assignment. If the submit button is clicked without all required fields being filled out a message will display informing which of the required fields still need to be filled in.


Data Visualizations

Add download shortcut to more widgets.

A convenient shortcut to download an Excel file of the top 1000 values in several widgets has been added. This applies to the widgets Extension, Entity, and Custodian.



MasterDate searches reflect time zone of the user but should not.

Date/time search criteria specified with the calendar helper in the search builder were converted to the user's locale (time zone). This was different than user expectations and was causing confusion. No such time zone conversion will be done going forward in the search criteria.



Change folder actions menu to dropdown.

Small tweak to the presentation of the folder action menu to appear right under the “...” button that triggers it.



Added support for most slipsheet characters.

Added support for all special characters in slipsheet text except for ~ | & ^ % ! # < > = +. There is also an error message provided now if one of the unsupported characters is used in a slipsheet.



Remove counts & ID from project selector.

Based on user usage metrics we removed both the document count, and ID columns from the project selector pages to improve usability and simplicity.



As a user, I want to run efficiency reports for a specific timezone.

Dates for user tagging are stored in UTC time in the database. Often (most) times the people who are reviewing the documents and reporting on the reviewer efficiency are located in a different time zones. This allows a person who is running the efficiency and tagging breakdown reports to report on the user tagging actions relative to a specified time zone.
As an example, a user who is in Chicago tagging documents at 7pm Central Time on March 26th will have their tag actions reported as occurring at 1am UTC (Chicago +6). In previous versions of the application, a user running a report for items tagged on March 26th would miss the items tagged after 5:59pm as they are stored in UTC time.
This feature allows the person running the report to specify that they want all actions reported based on a specified timezone and even though the data is stored in a different time zone, we will be able to accurately reflect the timezone where the action occurred and not where the data is stored.



Loading the application on first page after login taking longer than expected in some cases.

Significant optimizations of the application in-browser loading process have been made to reduce the loading times for pages following the login screen.


Supervised Learning

Show already-added models as a list, not carousel.

Update. The presentation of the library models attached to a classifier has been simplified. Any added library models will appear in a simple list instead of card view. No functional changes have been made.



MEND Update for commons-text-1.8.jar.

Updated to latest version of commons-text third-party library due to a reported vulnerability with it.



Alphabetize companies and projects in the edit user modal

Companies and projects are now correctly shown in alphabetical order when creating or editing a user from the web interface.


AI Sync

AI reports needs to overwrite fields that are not part of the report

Rebuilding AI reports now properly clears all previous values even for fields that are not part of the new AI report. This will fix any edge cases where entities built during the first run, but no values were found during the second run.


AI Sync

Remove status from the AI Sync Jobs page if incomplete.

The Status notification on top of the AI Sync jobs page was not reporting the latest job status, possibly leading to confusion. It has been removed until status check condition changes can be made in order to report on the latest relevant state of the Sync job queue.



User is unable to expand the Assignments node if they don't have the 'View Empty My Assignment Folder' permission

Fixed an issue where users with the "view empty my assignment folder" permission would be kicked out from the project if they attempted to expand the node. Now the empty assignments node correctly does not display if the user does not have the permission.


Document Link

Email doc link only works when there is a native.

Fixed an issue where attempting to email a document link would error out if the document did not contain a native file.


Imaging Template

Deleting the default imaging template could cause text sets not to show.

Fixed an issue where deleting the default imaging template could occasionally cause text sets not to show in the document viewer.



Production image sets will not load if selecting multiple work folders to produce from and the same document exists in more than one folder.

Corrected a special edge case scenario with producing images. Production image sets won't load if the user selected multiple work folders to produce from and the same document exists in more than one of the selected work folders.



Deleted projects can show in new RMTW UI.

Resolved a scenario that allowed a recently-deleted project to still appear in the project listing area of the newly upgraded Company Administration UI.



Ungrouping search pills causes operators to disappear.

In certain cases, ungrouping search criteria caused the pill in the Advanced Search Builder that shows operators like AND/OR to disappear from view. This has been resolved.



The 'between' operator in TIME fields not returning a range in search or via filter window.

Fixed an issue where the Between operator for searching within a time field was not correctly returning a range of values. Now the correct range of values will be searched on.



Correct scenario of empty title and summary in right-hand side cards.

An issue was corrected which could cause the title and summary sections of the 'result preview cards' in the right-hand bar to appear empty (show No Title, No Summary).



Entering values in reverse order in range sliders behaves unexpectedly

Logic has been added to address several use cases of entering numeric values in the “Min/Max” text boxes next to the selection sliders in score search modals (e.g., Classifier or Sentiment scores).

Reveal Processing Release Notes are available at


Last Updated 4/2/2024