Reveal 2024.5 Release Notes

Items included in the 2024.5 Reveal release. Release Date 6/26/2024

Release Detail

Issue Type






New Text Type fields should default to 400 field max length.

Whenever a user creates a new text field in the web, or in review manager, it now defaults to 400 instead of 1.



As an admin user, I expect to be able to create custom fields of up to 100,000 characters.

You can now create custom fields with an increased character limit of up to 100,000 characters. This update applies to all new custom fields, allowing you more flexibility and space to manage your data. Please note that existing custom fields will retain their current limit of 10000, but any new fields you create will benefit from this expanded capacity.



Add 'Template' option to Index bulk action form.

The Index bulk action (permitted only for some roles) now included a Template option. The option allows the selection of a filetype template.


Native Redaction

Add additional fields to the default Exolution field profile.

Added additional fields to the default Exolution profile which should help the stability of communication between the two applications. 



View Processing Permission.

As part of moving Discovery Manager to the web, a new permission now exists called “View Processing”. If a user has this permission they will now be able to view details in the web about every processing job run for linked projects in Discovery Manager. Users will have information regarding both the project level import statistics, and individual import level statistics. Users will also be able to do all custodian management from within the web, and be able to view statistics about individual custodians, locations and sources all without having to log into the load machine.



As an Instance or Company Administrator, I should have all Permissions within a Project.

In order to simplify project management at a high level, all instance administrators and company administrators will have admin level permissions in all projects without having to assign themselves. For administrators this amounts to every project that exists within their instance, and for company admins this amounts to every project that exists within companies they administer. All functionality is identical to as if those users assigned themselves to the project with every role enabled. This will also take precedence over any permissions the user had been assigned previously within projects affected.



Insert Dutch translation files into UI repository.

 Users will be able to see Dutch translation of the UI elements in Review, with more accurate translation updated by native Dutch speakers. 


AI Sync

RAI processing service supports incremental processing.

The RAI processing service will process only the incrementally added documents. The RAI processing service is the first step in the pipeline for Supervised Machine Learning.



Update text processed with sentiment and emotional intelligence. 

Updated the sentiment and emotional intelligence modules to use a more fitting decision tree  and configuration options on size of the considered document's filtered text. 



Adjust the sensitivity of the semantic similarity search.

Updated Ask configuration to accept more search results to reduce the number of cases where users see the message about not having enough relevant documents.



Update the indexing design so that metadata indexing doesn't force to queuing of common review actions like tagging or batching.

Changed indexing architecture, so that review actions that affect metadata for documents are not forced to queue up by a metadata indexing job running simultaneously. All review actions should now happen concurrently with any ongoing metadata indexing jobs.



Restrict visibility of fields in left sidebar based on teams.

Field availability in the left sidebar is now driven by the users' permissions and the teams they belong to, specifically by the Field Profiles given to their teams. Users with the permission 'Allow All Fields/Tag Access for Search' Permission, users with the Company Admin role, or users with the Instance Admin role are exempt from the profile-based left sidebar visibility and can see the left sidebar without restriction.


Supervised Learning

Increase the default training queue size.

The default training queue size increased to 2000. The default training queue size is adjusted to support a longer default retraining interval.



Companies without projects not appearing when creating/editing a user.

Companies without projects can now have users assigned to them in the new user management area allowing for a quicker turnaround with initial case creation.



Cannot delete projects through company admin.

Resolved a possible error condition with project deletion in the old company admin area.


AI Sync

Batch process never exits after some failures.

Improved error handling to prevent a data analytics job from running indefinitely after certain failure states encountered during deploys.



Classifier Error: Unsupported MD Exception when an active RAI processing job is running.

Classifier will use default Metadata feature weights in rare scenarios where an active RAI Processing job is simultaneously updating the Metadata information in SQL



We shouldn't pre-populate a tag profile in an assignment job.

As an enhancement to the UI we will no longer pre-populate the tag profile field when creating an assignment job.


Date Search

Date Search displays the wrong date based on Local Time of PC.

Changed functionality for all date pills, so they no longer show the date relative to the user's local time. Instead they display based on project's time instead.



PDFs don't fill up the whole page.

Resolved an issue where setting color detection to 600 DPI on certain pdf documents could shrink them when imaging.



Negated Family Expansion Group Results can cause search error.

Resolved an issue where changing an operator on a search with a family expansion between not and is would cause an error in the advanced search builder.


Field Profile

Incorrect display of Field Profile name.

Added support for all accented characters for field profile names in the field management area.



FROM Column in Grid not FILTERABLE.

Adjusted the FROM field to be multivalued, so it is now filterable in the grid.



Case Settings are missing on Newly Created projects which causes Index Failures.

Resolved a possible scenario where a case could be created without any case settings.


PDF Generation

PDF generation for small images not correctly stamping.

When generating images for very small documents stamping is applied to A4 size paper after imaging, so nothing is cut off.



Cannot Edit User permissions from the front end.

Resolved an issue where certain user's permissions were unable to be edited on the front end in the new admin areas if they were assigned to a company without projects.



Visibility of secondary project in the front end when user has access to only one in Review Manager.

Resolved a conflict scenario caused by user creation in Review Manager where a user had visibility of a project on the front end, but could not access the project.


Saved Search

After grouping a search containing many lines/pills the search button isn't clickable.

Resolved an issue where grouping searches that were larger than the advanced search modal prevented the clicking of the search button.



An error can occur when trying to add a Tag Choice to a Tag that already has many tag choices.

A user is able to add as many choices as needed and name them as they wish without issues adding them to a tag.



Fields and Tags from a previously viewed case can appear in the current case in the search bar.

We have fixed a field and tag caching issue that could allow a user to see field and tag names from their previously viewed cases. No information was exposed as only field and tag names from cases the user already had access to could be seen.



Fields and Tags from a previously viewed case can appear in the current case in the Manage Field Profile view in the Grid.

Solved a caching issue that could cause a user to see field names from other cases they had access to in the Manage Field Profiles modal in the grid. No information was exposed as a user could only see the names of fields from cases they had already accessed within the browser session.



Sorting in Assign bulk action can send in the wrong sort order.

Resolved an issue for assignment jobs where documents could be assigned in the reverse order to what the users applied.



Unassign feature not working in big jobs.

For bulk unassign jobs, should the amount of documents exceed a threshold of 20.000 the unassign job can fail. This has been resolved. 


Last Updated 6/19/2024.