Review Tracking

This article provides a detailed description of all the features and options associated with the Reviewed By tracking fields.

Review management is vital in preparing large tranches of documents for trial, diligence reporting, risk management or other purposes. Reveal provides means of measuring and either viewing or reporting progress by using tag settings for Reviewed Status.

In most document reviews, tags are used not only to categorize documents, but also to determine the review status of a document. Reviewed Status is set by a reviewer clicking on a Tag Choice once it has been flagged by an administration in a Tag Profile. For example, in a review for Responsiveness where that tag has been flagged for Reviewed Status for this tag in a tag profile, all documents coded with either its ‘Non-Responsive’ or ‘Responsive’ choice are considered reviewed and that phase of review complete for those documents.

This article will describe the settings, fields, reports, views and uses of review tracking.

Setting Reviewed Status

As stated above, Reviewed Status is set in the Project Management > Tags screen under Tag Profiles. See Create & Manage Tags for details on setting Reviewed Status.

  1. As an administrator, open Project Management.
  2. Select Tags.
  3. Add a tag and its choices in the panel at left of the screen.
  4. Add or select a Tag Profile, a collection of tags assigned to selected teams or users.
  5. Add or select a Pane within the Tag Profile.
  6. Click and drag a tag to the pane within the Tag Profile.
  7. Click on a tag choice to which you want to assign Reviewed Status by clicking the checkbox in the pop-up.
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Here, Reviewed Status has been assigned to the Responsive choice. A common workflow would also assign Reviewed Status to the Non-Responsive choice, but not to the choices for Further Review Required or Tech Issue. Reviewed Status may also be associated with a Privilege tag, or any other salient review classification.

Review Tracking Fields

Reveal tracks the application of Reviewed Status tag choices to documents to populate the following fields:

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  • All Reviewed Profiles – Multi-value field displaying all tag profiles used to review the document.
  • All Reviewed Users – Multi-value field displaying all users to have reviewed the document.
  • First Reviewed By – Field displaying first user to review the document.
  • First Reviewed On Date – Field displaying the date the document was first reviewed.
  • First Reviewed On Time – Field displaying the time the document was first reviewed.
  • First Reviewed Profile – Field displaying first tag profile used to review the document.
  • Last Reviewed By – Field displaying most recent user to review the document.
  • Last Reviewed On Date – Field displaying the date the document was last reviewed.
  • Last Reviewed On Time – Field displaying the time the document was last reviewed.
  • Last Reviewed Profile – Field displaying most recent tag profile used to review the document.

Turning on Reviewed Status for a Tag Choice in a Tag Profile pane will share this selection in a document with its Reviewed metadata. These fields can be filtered or searched to get a picture of what has been coded for each document, by whom, and the first and most recent reviews. This metadata may be enhanced by use of filters or reports available for review management tracking.

Review Tracking Filters

The April 2024 release added the Reviewed Workflow filter category in the sidebar. As with other Reveal filters, the items found under the User or Tag Profile may be selected to filter the document list ad hoc (adding a search pill to the search bar), or may be included as part of an advanced search.

  • User subfolder offers
    • Any Value
    • No Value
    • Each User entered in the All Reviewed Profiles field will have a filter here; use View all… to display more than the default initial listing.
  • Tag Profile subfolder offers
    • Any Value
    • No Value
    • Each Tag Profile entered in the All Reviewed Users field will have a filter here; use View all… to display more than the default initial listing.

Assignment Pool Review Status

This Reviewed feature tracks progress through an assignment when documents are batched to a Pool, permitting a project manager to see at a glance the reviewed status of each batch as percentage completed.

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Review Tracking Reports

Reveal in the Reports area offers configurable reporting of

  • Accuracy
  • Breakdown
  • Comparison
  • Efficiency

Please see Tagging Reports for details. You may also find the User Actions Report useful for a more general view of tagging activity.


Last Updated 5/16/2024