Searching Without Leading Wildcard Operators

OBJECTIVE: Leading wildcard operators are currently disabled in Review. This prevents any search that starts with a wildcard, such as “*enron” This document lays out alternative workflows to achieve the same results.

Keyword Searching in Processing

Processing’s keyword search functionality will allow the use of wildcard searches. Processing can be used to run keyword searches and the results can then be filtered within Review.

NOTE: This workflow will only work for records that have been indexed in Processing.

  1. Index in Processing
    1. Confirm that the Processing project is set to index. If not, check Index Project for FullText Searching and Update Indexing Settings.
      229 - 04 - Processing Indexing Settings
    2. Navigate to the Search & Indexing Module and select the Indexing tab. Select all imports and Launch Indexing Job.
      229 - 05 - Processing - Launch Indexing
    3. The indexing job’s progress can be monitored in the Environment Module.
      229 - 06 - Processing - Indexing Progress
  2. Run keyword searches in Processing
    1. Navigate to the Search & Indexing module.
    2. Add and run keywords, below is an example of search on *aptor.
      229 - 07 - Processing - Keyword wildcard search
    3. Launch to preview and select Document Level Preview.
      229 - 08 - Processing - Launch Preview
    4. Export an XLS containing TV FileIDs.
      229 - 09 - Processing - Export file IDs
  3. Filter in Review
    1. Build an RQL statement from the list of TVFileIDs.
      1. TVFILEID::688
      2. TVFILEID::766
      3. TVFILEID::890
      4. TVFILEID::893
      5. TVFILEID::895
      6. TVFILEID::898
    2. Select Term List.
      229 - 10 - Select Term List Search
    3. Enter a list of TVFileIDs by using the TVFILEID:: operator before each id. See below for an example.
      229 - 11 - Term List Search
  4. The search returned the below, note that due to deduplication the 6 TV file IDs only returned 3 records.
    229 - 12 - Term List Search results


Last Updated 5/02/2024