Upload Data Workflow Exercise

This article provides both visual and written exercises for utilizing data upload features in Reveal

The purpose of this document is to outline the most common Reveal 11 processes to help customers become more familiar with direct native upload to the platform and its capabilities.

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Product Area


Relevant Processes

Upload Data

Upload a file using the web uploader from the left sidebar

  1. Click on the “Upload” button from the left sidebar.
  2. Upload 1-5 documents and choose to upload using the “Review” setting so they will be immediately placed into the document review screen.
  3. Monitor the upload progress from the Jobs page selected from the left navigation panel.
  4. Upon completion, confirm that documents are present and visible in the Admin Views > Imports folder.

KB Articles

  1. How to Upload Data
  2. Jobs Management
  3. Admin Views – Imports

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Last Updated 9/15/2023