
This article provides a detailed description of all the features and options associated with Reveal’s Dashboard.

Non-Audio Video Tutorial

The Dashboard is the first screen that opens when a project or its Review button is selected. 

The Dashboard is the control center of Reveal 11; project data, visualizations, filters, search, and analytical tools are all available on this screen. Users can organize, select, search, and manage documents here. In Reveal 2024, the browser tab name reflects the current page, showing project and screen (e.g., Review – Product Education – Reveal); selecting a document from here will open a new Document Review tab labeled with the document’s Begin Number.

The following diagram provides an overview of the screen layout along with a list of functions that can be performed. 

NOTE that Users may specify the display and order of Dashboard widgets under User Settings.

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  1.  Home Button and Project Selection – Clicking the logo returns to the Project Hub, or use the drop-down menu to search for and select a different project.
  2. Search Box – Enter keyword or concept searches, review and use the complementary tools at the right end of the Search Box: 
    1. Search History to view list of recent searches to re-run, edit or save. 
    2. Save Search to view list of foldered saved searches to re-run, edit or add to search. 
    3. Advanced Search to open the Search Builder to edit or add to searches or enter Term Lists. 
  3. Help - Link to the Reveal Knowledgebase. In Reveal 2024, this and the Support button are replaced by the Resource Center, a pop-up that opens to a list of information types available to the user. The Resource Center icon will have a red ball with a number for any new announcements. 
    1. Announcements contains information on impending new releases, with a number (shown in the pop-up button as well as in the Announcements line) corresponding to the number of announcements currently available. Announcements expands to two categories:
      1. New Releases with a link to the latest release notes.
      2. Known Issues with a link to the current Known Issues list.
    2. Documentation provides a link to the Reveal knowledge base in place of the former Help documentation button. 
    3. Training takes the user to Reveal Academy to view training and certification courses.
    4. Support provides access to Reveal Support in place of the former Support button. 
  4. Support - Link to  Reveal Support. In Reveal 2024, this is found under Resource Center.
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  5. Dark/Light Mode Switch - Toggle display between Light Mode and stylish Dark Mode.
  6. User Menu – User SettingsAbout (Reveal version information) and Sign Out menu.
  7. Navigation Panel – The module descriptions may be collapsed to icons only to save screen space, as shown above. As permitted by your user account, select between:
    1. Review - The current document review context;
    2. Supervised Learning - Classifier configuration and training information;
    3. Uploads – Direct import of native files to a Reveal project; 
    4. Model Library - Prepared analytical models available to be imported into the current project;
    5. Jobs - See and manage bulk tasks;
    6. Reports - Configurable prepared reports on project data and reviewer work;
    7. Team Documents - Library of reference documents for the project, which may include complaints, pleadings, requests, rulings, and coding manuals; 
    8. Project Admin -  Project-specific administration and configuration; and
    9. Company Admin – Administration of instance, company and users. 
  8. Folders Panel – Folders are organized groupings of data under the Sidebar. The Folders Option menu allows you to Select Folders and add them to a search, Refresh the list, or toggle to automatically Update Counts on Search (default is OFF to maximize performance). This panel displays a set of default folder types: 
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    1. Work folders - Are created and optionally shared by users to organize documents within the project. Work folders may be shared with selected Teams or other users in either Read Only or Read/Write mode. Work folders are required in gathering documents into a set for production.
    2. Document Folders - Each subfolder is a loaded dataset in the project and may be selected as a filter. Document folders are recursive when used in a search.
    3. Transcript Folders - If any reporter’s text deposition or testimonial transcripts are added to the project for review, they will appear here for special processing and selection. 
    4. Searches - Saved Search folders created by or otherwise shared with the current user.
    5. Admin Views - Provide project managers with the ability to view and manage folders for all users for all the project’s folder classifications: 
      1. Documents
      2. Assignments
      3. Work Folders
      4. Searches
      5. Transcript Folders
      6.  Imports 
  9. Assignments - A separate section  of the Sidebar where foldered sets of documents pushed to the user for review are displayed, along with folders checked out by users under the folder's ## Available link to the Assignments screen.
  10. Filters Panel –  Some items from the Dashboard and Add conditions under Advanced Search are available in this section of the Sidebar to quickly parse datasets by a variety of characteristics: 
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    1. Annotations - Quickly examine a list of documents based upon reviewer notes and markups of document images.
      1. Has Annotations - Includes any image annotation format listed below.
      2. Has Free Hand - Document images have hand-drawn annotations.
      3. Has Highlights - Document images include reviewer highlighted portions.
      4. Has Notes - Reviewer notes have been added to the document.
      5. Has Redactions - Reviewers have redacted material in the document.
      6. Has Sticky Notes - Reviewers have added sticky notes to document images.
      7. Has Text Annotations - Text boxes have been added to document images.
    2. Batch Folders – Filter by Assignment Batch folder set, or select documents having Any Value (indicating that they are parsed for assignment) or No Value (indicating that they have yet to be assigned). 
    3. Deduplication – As with the Dashboard's Candy Bar, offers to filter by Exact Duplicates or Near Duplicates. 
    4. Document Status - Selects on some Fixed Field (icon columns at the left of the Grid) and other metadata attributes of documents.  
      1. Has Alerts
      2. Has Children
      3. Has Custodians
      4. Has Email Threads
      5. Has Extension
      6. Has Family Members
      7. Has Locks
      8. Has Parent
      9. Has Tags
    5. Formats – This subfolder lists the top five Document Types (by extension) in the currently viewed document set as well as Any Value or No Value, with the ability to View all... in a checkbox modal of all available values for filtering. Types of documents is also controlled by the Dashboard's Document Type graph.  
    6. People – Persons sending, receiving or named in documents, with a subfolder related to the Dashboard's Custodians graph. Lists the top five people in the currently viewed document set as well as Any Value or No Value, with the ability to View all... in a checkbox modal of all available values for filtering. 
    7. Privileged Tags - Provides immediate listing of all documents coded with tags in the current tag profile flagged as Privileged. Counts are shown for tags. 
    8. Tags – Shows all tags in the user's currently selected tag profile for filtering selection. Counts are shown for tags. 
    9. Review Status -  Shows branches for each of the user's tag profiles, and breaks out documents under each profile as Reviewed or Not Reviewed based upon the settings for each tag profile. 
    10. Emotional Intelligences - Examine documents ranked by levels of Positivity, Negativity and other indicators assessed in analysis of document text. 
    11. Entities -  These are categories of items identifiable by analytics and useful in filtering. These categories currently include:
      1. Credit Card Num
      2. Email
      3. Location
      4. Money
      5. Nationality
      6. Organization
      7. Person
      8. Personal Id Num
      9. Phone Number
      10. Product
      11. Religion
      12. Title
      13. URL
    12. Email Threads - Identify messages that belong to the same email conversation chain, duplicates within the thread and messages containing unique content not present in any other message. 

      NOTE that the Sidebar width may be adjusted by the user, and this adjustment will be preserved with the user’s project settings.

  11. View Selection Bar – Select the preferred view of the project data (see details below):
    1. Dashboard – The control center currently under discussion.
    2. Grid – The table of currently-selected documents and their metadata.
    3. Clusters – Brainspace concept visualization and tools.
    4. Heatmap – Matrix comprised of selectable metadata or search values set in rows and columns with intersections colored to reflect the relative intensity of correspondence between the values. Cells may be selected and added to a search.
    5. AI-Driven Batches –  Technically not a visualization, but a way to quickly generate batches based upon selected AI models.

      NOTE that in projects created as of Reveal 11.11 or on which AI Sync has been rerun after the release of Reveal 11.11, a Communications View will appear here to explore conversations and communicators in the project documents. See Communications for more details. This view is standard in Reveal 2024. 

  12. Document Count – Number of documents selected in the current view, shown with Refresh button to update for underlying processes if no search or filter is currently in use.
  13. Timeline – An interactive chronology graph for the current dataset, containing:
    1. Dropdown menu that provides options for viewing the Timeline chart using any date value contained in document metadata. Field selection is preserved for the User and Project from one session to the next. As of the April 2024 release, your field selection persists for when you next log in. 
    2. Change the view-optimized Auto graph interval setting to a desired fixed value. Choices include Auto, Day, Hour, Month, Quarter, Week, and Year
    3. Clickable graph bars for viewing the Timeline chart by selected period which may begin as year, month/year, week, day, hour, or minute, depending on the chronology of the dataset. Here is a drill down for October 2001, featuring a Results Pane (see Item 22 below) added to the right of the screen displaying document details for the search. 18 - 02 - Dashboard - Timeline detail with Results pane-1-Jan-17-2024-03-10-44-6777-PM
    4. Switch the Timeline chart from logarithmic scale (default for easier relative display) to linear scale.
    5. Export Timeline values as a CSV file.
    6. Identify missing documents in the dataset.
  14. Candy Bar – Graphic display of Originals, Near Duplicates, Exact Duplicates and documents Not Analyzed (because encrypted, lacking text or containing excessive text) in the current view. A user may select Originals to examine only that subset of documents.
  15. Document Types – Selectable graphic bar chart of most common document formats found in the current view. The default is Extension, but other metadata may be selected here. Your field selection persists for when you next log in. 
  16. Entities - An entity is an extracted piece of data identified by proper name. Entities are an efficient method for searching (filtering) for specific people, places or things. Select an entity type to display and select for filtering; your selection persists for when you next log in: 
    1. Brs Has Entity Type - a top-level breakout of where entities exist in the current document set. (Default)
    2. Entity Phone Number
    3. Entity Personal Id Num
    4. Entity Email
    5. Entity URL
    6. Entity Location
    7. Entity Religion
    8. Entity Money
    9. Entity Person
    10. Entity Title
    11. Entity Product
    12. Entity Organization 
    13. Entity Nationality
    14. Entity Credit Card Num
  17. Custodians – Selectable chart listing the top ten Custodians in the current view and the number of documents provided by each. The list of all additional custodians is paged here. Your field selection persists for when you next log in. 
  18. Documents by Predictive Scores (Tag Scores) - An assessment of classifier tag relevance groupings following Supervised Learning, where tags are used to classify documents for AI model scoring and prediction. Scores are grouped in the key below the chart, from Unscored to Low (0-32), Medium (33-65) and High (66-100); the Low, Medium and High legends at bottom may also be selected
    NOTE that, as with other Dashboard widgets, hovering the pointer over a truncated label will provide bubble help with the entire label, and hovering the pointer over a bar section will display its value name and the number of documents represented. (Shown below in Dark Mode.)  
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  19. Senders + Recipients – This graph shows email correspondents, starting with the top five graphically with the number of documents from each and received by each, with remaining email senders and recipients found in succeeding pages of the widget. The bars are selectable for search filtering, and the data represented here may be exported (shown here in light mode display).  
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  20. Domains - This graph lists email domains from the top five busiest in the current result set, showing the number of unique documents, and the number of documents sent from each and received by each, with remaining email domains found in succeeding pages of the widget. The bars are selectable for search filtering, and the data represented here may be exported.  
  21. Emotional Intelligence - This graph sets out shaded bars of Negativity, Positivity and other attributes for each category of sentiment in the currently retrieved document set. The shadings, which may be selected with a click to serve as a filter, represent for each emotional category: 
    • Unscored (palest) - documents such as images which offer no text for analysis and scoring.
    • Neutral (0) - documents which are neither positive nor negative, such as numerical spreadsheets or programming code or bland correspondence.
    • Low (1 - 3) - documents scored for mild negativity or positivity.
    • Medium (4 - 6) - documents scored for moderate negativity or positivity.
    • High (7 - 10) - documents scored for high negativity or positivity.

    Clicking on any section will add a pill to the search box to serve as a filter, retrieving only documents in the current set scored within the selected range.

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  22. Results Pane - The Results Pane opens at the right of the Dashboard display when there is a search or filter active. It presents the following information, shown here in light mode: 
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    1. Document count - result of current search or filter (above Results Pane).
    2. List-Grid toggle - change between the results list shown above and a Grid pane opening next to the current Dashboard, Cluster or Heatmap. The split display can be adjusted between the Grid and the Dashboard or other data visualization selected, and these adjustments will be preserved with the User’s project settings. 
    3. Popout - open the Grid or Results List in a separate window that is fully synchronized with folders, filters, updates and searches in the Dashboard screen. This can be particularly useful when using multiple displays to review data. 
    4. Expand - toggles the Grid or Results List between a full display panel and the default split display. 
    5. Hide Results Pane – toggles between display and collapsing of the Results List or Grid. 
    6. Update search results - such as adding a tag or adding to a work folder, to all search results.
    7. Sort by - metadata field of choice; default is Search Score.
    8. Document card and label - Card contains a label for Original, Duplicate or Near Duplicate, its Begdoc (document control number), the subject line or title if any, a brief snippet of text, and in the lower left shows how many threaded documents or tags are currently associated with this document.
    9. Cluster wheel locator - opens the Cluster Wheel visualization to show the document's cluster location.
    10. Attachments - indicator with number of attachments for this document.


    Last Updated 4/25/2024