Migration Export – Reveal

This comprehensive guide walks you through downloading all the documents in your project along with all available metadata.

Exporting your data

The migration process begins by exporting your data from Review. The goal of this process is to prepare your archive for easy upload into Logikcull and preserve any existing work product. Work product such as tags, notes, comments, etc., from existing databases can be mapped to new fields in Logikcull. However, redaction coordinates made from existing database cannot be migrated.

Produced records with Bates stamped images will need to be uploaded separately, as these cannot be associated with the original version of the document. 

Review Export Workflow

  1. Work Folders - Identify the records to migrate and create a Work Folder containing those records.

    1. This process is outlined in Reveal knowledge base documentation online below. 
    2. Work Folders
      1. Populate a Work Folder with all records with redactions.
        1. Navigate to Filters->Annotations->Has Redactions in the Sidebar. 243 - 01 - Has Redactions Filter
      2. Populate a Work Folder with all records to be migrated.
      3. Populate Work Folders with all records that have images in image sets.
        1. Create a multi value field called “Image_Set_List” under Project Admin -> Fields -> Add Fields.
        243 - 02 - Create Multi-Value Field2.  Run the below script to populate “Image_Set_List” field. If a record has an image in an image set, this will be populated with the name of the image set.


        IMAGE_SETS NVARCHAR(4000))

        insert into IMAGE_SET_TEMP

        select DIS.ITEM_ID, ISI.Name


        WHERE ISI.Document_Image_Set_Id = DIS.Document_Image_Set_Id

        and DIS.Page_Id = 1

        insert into IMAGE_SET_TEMP

        select DIS.ITEM_ID, 'Original Image Set'


        WHERE DIS.Page_Id = 1 and dis.image_exists = 1

        select distinct item_id

        into IMAGE_SET_TEMP3

        from IMAGE_SET_TEMP



        insert into IMAGE_SET_TEMP2

        select distinct DIS.ITEM_ID,



        order by ISI.IMAGE_SETS

        FOR XML PATH (''))

        , 1, 1, '') AS IMAGES_SET_LIST


        --create multi value custom field, in update assumes field name is IMAGE_SET_LIST, length can be 4000 assuming no long image set names





        3.  Run the Query against the chosen Project in the Review Manager Advanced Options -> Query tab.

        243 - 03 - Review Manager Query4.  Rebuild multi-values for the chosen Project in the Review Manager Advanced Options -> Refresh Document Records tab.

        243 - 04 - Refresh Document Records

        iv.  Reindex document metadata for all Imports in Review Manager Create -> Indexes.

        243 - 04a - Begin Number-Image Set List

        v.  Filter for each image set and populate a Work Folder with the Image Set Name.

        243 - 05 - Image Set List

        vi.  You’ll now have Work Folders populated for “All Records”, “Redacted Records” and one for each image set.

        243 - 06 - Migration Work Folders

        2.  Production Jobs - Create production jobs built upon the above Work Folder.

        a.  This process is outlined in Reveal knowledge base documentation online below. 


        b.  Migration Productions

        i.  Create a Native Only Production Job, with all records to be migrated.

        Documents – Select the “All Records” Work Folder as the source.243 - 07 - Add Production Job - Migration All Records

        Imaging - Select None – Natives Only

        243 - 08 - Production Job - Natives Only

        Numbering - Select Use Existing Numbers and the Original Image Set. This will number the records with their Begin Number.

        243 - 09 - Production Job - Numbering

        Select Save As New.


        ii.  Create an image Production comprised of the records with images in the Original Image set.

        Documents – Select the “OriginalImageSet” Work Folder as the source.

        243 - 10 - Add Production Job - Original Image Set

        Imaging - Select Existing and the Original Image Set. Remove the check next to Always Image Redacted Docs. We will export these in the next production.

        243 - 11 - Production Job - Imaging Settings

        Numbering - Select Use Existing Numbers and the Original Image Set. This will number the records with their Begin Number.

        243 - 12 - Production Job - Image Numbering

        Stamping - No stamping will be needed.


        iii.  Create an image Production comprised of the records with redactions.

        Documents – Select the Redacted Records Work Folder as the source.

        243 - 13 - Add Production Job - Redacted Records

        Imaging - Select Existing and the Image Set that has the redactions. Typically, this will be the Original Image Set.

        243 - 14 - Production Job - Imaging Settings - Redacted set

        Numbering - Select Use Existing Numbers and the Original Image Set. This will number the records with their Begin Number.

        243 - 15 - Production Job - Redacted Set Numbering

        Stamping - No stamping will be needed.

        243 - 16 - Migration Production Jobs

        b.  Productions – Previously produced records will get exported; these production jobs will already exist.

        1.  Skip to step 5)b)iii) below.

        2.  You should now have two productions built as well as any prior productions. The below example shows one previous production “Prod001”.

        243 - 17 - Production Jobs List with Prior Job3.  Preprocessing

        a.  This process is outlined in Reveal knowledge base documentation online below:


        b.  Migration Productions

        i)  Native Only Production - All records to be migrated.

        ii)  Image Production - Records with redactions. 

        Click the drop down and select Start Preprocessing – All Documents for both the native and redaction production.

        243 - 18 - Start Production Job Preprocessing

        4.  Create an image Production for any other image set that has images.

        243 - 19 - Work Folders for additional image productions

        5.  Run Productions

        a.  This process is outlined in Reveal knowledge base documentation online below:


        b.  Migration Productions

        i.  Native Only Production - All records to be migrated.

        ii.  Image Productions

        (1) Original Image Set.

        (2) Records with redactions.

        (3) All other image sets.

        Click the drop down and select Start Full Processing – Imaging and Stamping for all productions.

        243 - 20 - Start Full Production Processing

        6.  Export Productions

        a.  This process is outlined in Reveal knowledge base documentation online below: https://education.revealdata.com/knowledgebase/reveal/how-to-run-production-job-export

        b.  Migration Productions

        i.  Native Only Production - All records to be migrated.

        Productions – Select the “Migration_All_Records” production.

        243 - 21 - Production Export Setup

        Files – Use the below settings.

        243 - 22 - Production Export Files Settings

        Fields – We recommend you export ALL available fields for preservation.

        Create a Field Profile with all fields in it, then select this field profile and check all fields.

        243 - 23 - Production Export Fields

        As mentioned in the migration export requirements above, the paths in the load files need to have a relative path starting with “.\”. To achieve this we need to add the “.\”to the Prefix as shown below.

        243 - 24 - Production Export Volume

        Click add at the bottom right of the screen to complete the export settings.

        Start the production export.

        243 - 25 - Start Production Export

        ii.  Image ProductionsBelow is an example for the Records with redactions. You will run through this process for all the image productions.

        Productions – Select the “Migration_Redacted_Records” production.

        243 - 26 - Production Export Setup - Redacted Records

        Files – Use the below settings.

        243 - 27 - Production Export Files Settings - Redacted set

        Fields – Metadata was already exported in the native export, so you should just export the default fields.

        243 - 28 - Production Export Fields - Redacted Set

        Select Add on the bottom right and run the production.


        iii.  Previous Productions – For every previously produced production go through the steps below. 

        Select the previous production “Prod001”.

        243 - 29 - Previous Production Export

        Use the below settings.

        243 - 30 - Previous Production Export Files Settings

        Select the fields you would like. The minimum is shown below. 

        NOTE: Begin Number is important as this will be the cross reference between the produced and original records.

        243 - 31 - Previous Production Export Fields Settings

        Select Add on the bottom right and run the production.

        7.  Download each export 

        243 - 32 - Production Export Download select

        243 - 33 - Production Export Files

        You will now have zips for each of the downloads above. Extract the combined load files from their zip containers.

        243 - 34 - Production Load Files

        The paths in the load files will start with “\Vol” but the folder paths in the zips to the Natives, Text and Images will start with the name of the production. Example below:


        The folder paths in the load files to the Natives, Text and Images must be updated to start with the production name. Example Below:

        243 - 35 - Production Load File Update Example

        Last Updated 6/03/2024