Reviewer Notes

This article contains information about adding reviewer notes to a reviewed document.

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Review contains a special field Review Notes where reviewers can enter their notes or comments. These notes are commonly entered in the Notes pane of the Document Review screen.

This field is created with the Project by default. 51 - 01 - Reviewer Notes Field-1


This field can be edited while coding documents or through bulk tagging.

  1. Review Coding

    In Document Review the Notes pane allows reviewers to enter searchable comments (see below) about the document under review. 
    51 - 02 - Enter Reviewer Note
  2. Bulk Tagging

    Using Reveal's searching and filtering tools, documents may be grouped as tags or folders, or bulk coded by adding text to Notes or other updatable fields. See Bulk Tagging Documents for further discussion. 51 - 03 - Reviewer Notes Bulk add-1

    1. In the Grid data visualization screen, click Update on the Grid toolbar.

    2. Select the data to Act On, either all documents in the current result set or individually selected documents in the Grid.

    3. Under Action to Take, select Include Notes:

      1. Set Add as the Action.

      2. Enter the text to be added in the Notes box.

    4. Click Submit when done.  


Review Notes are searchable, increasing their utility beyond commenting on a specific document. This is done using the +Add Condition feature under Advanced Search.

51 - 04 - Reviewer Notes Advanced search

  1. You may start with a keyword search in the Search Bar, but that is not required.
  2. Click Advanced Search [...] at the right of the Search Bar.
  3. Click +Add Condition.
  4. The simplest way to navigate to the Review Notes field in the Fields listing is to filter on all or part of the field name. In the above example I have entered not to filter a short list from which I can select Review Notes.
  5. In the pop-up window enter the operator and, where relevant, the keyword or filter text to use. The options are: 
    51 - 05 - Reviewer Notes field search popup
    1. Is Like: Add keyword or an example string.
    2. Is: A link prompts to select exact values and opens a picklist for selection.
    3. Has: Retrieves only documents that have a value in this field, and creates a <Fieldname> Is not empty search, here Review Notes Is not empty


Last Updated 6/28/2024