Search & Assign Workflow Exercise

This article provides both visual and written exercises for utilizing search and assignment features in Reveal

The purpose of this document is to outline the most common Reveal 11 processes to help customers become more familiar with the platform and its capabilities.

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Relevant Processes


Use the dashboard to utilize search filters that can be added, edited, removed, and have the results pushed to a saved search

  1. Click on a visual chart and confirm the documents returned match the expected result
  2. Click on a visual chart from another widget and confirm the documents return match the expected result
  3. Remove the second pill from your current search
  4. Add at least two additional search criteria from the dashboard page
  5. Create a saved search on the results and note the document count
  6. Remove all pills/filters in the current search
  7. Run the search you just saved and confirm the documents returned match the expected result

KB Articles

  1. Dashboard
  2. How to Search Concepts
  3. How to Search Keywords
  4. Metadata Filtering
  5. Saved Searches
  6. How to Create Work Folders

Search & Assign

Create a work folder and add newly tagged documents to the folder

  1. Create a new work folder and make it available to access across all teams
  2. Use the “Update” feature to apply 2 tags to over 1,000 documents
  3. Confirm that this action is correctly displaying in the jobs page
  4. Confirm tags were applied successfully
  5. Run a search for documents containing that tag
  6. Add these documents to the newly created work folder

KB Articles

  1. How to Create Work Folders
  2. Tagging Propagation
  3. Jobs Management
  4. Tagging Reports
  5. Admin Views – Searches    


Assign documents to users

  1. Run a search containing at least 500 documents
  2. Assign these documents using the “all” documents criteria, into batches of 100, and assigned to a pool of users
  3. Confirm assignment creation status is successfully displayed on the jobs tab
  4. Confirm assignments are created
  5. Confirm users can check-out assigned documents

KB Articles

  1. Dashboard
  2. How to Search Concepts
  3. How to Search Keywords
  4. How to Create & Manage Assignments
  1. Jobs Management
  2. Admin Views – Assignments


Run a search, view keyword hits of document, and create an image on-the-fly

  1. Run a keyword search
  2. Open the document viewer by clicking the “view” button
  3. Confirm the searched word is highlighted and shows up in the hits panel
  4. Move to at least one additional document
  5. Find a document that does not have resulting images and click the image view - documents should be imaged based on the default imaging profile and the resulting documents available in review

KB Articles

  1. How to Search Keywords
  2. Grid
  3. Document Review Toolbar

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Last Updated 9/15/2023