Migration Import – Reveal

This comprehensive guide walks you through uploading all documents and available metadata from a migrated project.

Prepare and Import into the Reveal Project

  1. Compress and Transfer Data to Reveal
  2. Stage the data to the Z Drive
    1. Download the data on the Load Machine.
    2. Copy and unzip the data to the root of the Z:\ drive on the Load Machine.
    3. Refer to Load Data – Third-Party Production for detailed instructions on staging data, field mapping, and import settings.
  3. Create the new Reveal Project
    1. Helpful Guides:
      1. Create and Manage a Project - Reveal 2024 (revealdata.com)
      2. Manage Fields (revealdata.com)
    2. Add additional fields to the project.
      1.  In the example for this guide, five field lists have been prepared for the fields that need to be created from the default source field profile. A list has been prepared for each data type. 
        1. Use the Import Field feature to create these fields.
        2. For the Field Data Type of Text set length to 5000 for fields.
      2. It is recommended to make the OD_DOCUMENTTAGS field a Multi-Value field.
    3. Add two additional fields – these will be used for Redaction and Production Imaging Sets.
        1. Field Data Type: Text
        2. Max Length: 100
        3. Document Number Field: Yes
        4. Updatable: Yes245 - 01 - Import Fields
  4. Load Source Data.
    1. Helpful Guides:
      1. Load Data - Third-Party Production (revealdata.com)
      2. Mapping Import Fields (revealdata.com)
      3. Index Data (revealdata.com)
      4. Other Bulk Actions (revealdata.com)
    2. Import Export 1 - Natives, Images, Text, Metadata, Work Product
      1. Setup the Import Mappings using the DAT in this export.
        1. Refer to the Open to Reveal Field Mapping document.
      2. Modify the DAT file by updating the relative file paths for the Native and Text file paths fields to the absolute path.
      3. Perform the DAT file import.
      4. Import the images using the Original Image Set.
      5. Review and handle any errors.
    3. Run an Index build.
      1. Select the DAT file that was just imported. 245 - 02 - Select Document Text Sets
    4. Import Export 2 - Burned in Redacted Images
      1. Bulk Action Update field IPROREDACTBEGDOC setting it equal to the Begin Number field.
      2. Create a new Image Set, for example, called Ipro Redacted for an Open Discovery or Local Discovery import. 
      3. Import the OPT from this export using the Ipro Redacted Image Set and IPROREDACTEDBEGDOC as the Image Key Field.
      4. Review and handle any errors. 245 - 03 - Import Images
    5. Import Production History
      1. Overlay the cross-reference txt file mapping BEGDOC = Begin Bates and PROD BEGDOC = IPROPRODBEGDOC.
      2. Rebuild the Document_Metadata Index.
      3. Create a new Image Set called Ipro Production History.
      4. Import the OPT from the Production Volumes using the Ipro Production Image Set and IPROPRODBEGDOC as the Image Key Field.
      5. Review and handle any errors. 245 - 04 - Import Images - Production History
    6. Use Bulk Tag action to apply tags.
      1. Helpful Guide:
        1. Bulk Tag Documents (revealdata.com)
      2. Perform searches against the LD_DOCUMENTTAGS fields to mass apply the desired tags.
    245 - 05 - OD_DOCUMENTTAGS


    Last Edited 6/18/2024