Getting Started with Reveal

New to Reveal? This article provides a high-level overview of platform from logging in for the first time to using key features.

Log in to Reveal

The Reveal platform includes two-factor authentication, which is an added layer of security that goes beyond standard password-based login credentials. See How to Log In to Reveal for instructions on setting up your two factor authentication and first logging into a Reveal project.

Interface Layout

There are several screens within Reveal’s intuitive user interface that are essential for document review. Here’s an overview of each screen including their function and key features. Click on the link for details of each.

Dashboard Screen

The Dashboard is the control center of Reveal; project data, visualizations, filters, search, and analytical tools are all available on this screen. Users can organize, select, search, and manage documents, or choose to navigate to other modules from its Navigation Toolbar.

Grid Screen

The Grid view represents the screen that appeared after opening an existing project from the Project list in earlier releases of Reveal. This table may be used to select, sort, and perform batch operations from the current list of documents within a project. See the Grid page for details on all the latest updates.


Clusters is an interactive data visualization designed to organize and present large volumes of unstructured data for analysis. Documents or content records are grouped together based on their lexical similarity or vocabulary used within the record. Each document group or Cluster includes a set of themes which describe the overall subject matter of the document group. Clusters looks particularly good in Dark Mode. 


Communications is a feature that provides you with an at-a-glance understanding of the communication patterns within your project data. This allows users to view and analyze thousands of messages quickly, which is helpful when tracking the flow of information throughout an organization. With a few clicks, users can arrange clusters of messages, examine and update alias email addresses for communicators, and readily view the frequency and other attributes of messaging between them.

Document Review and Viewer

Document Review is the primary screen used to review individual documents; its main focus is the Viewer that displays a selectable version of the document: Native / HTML with search hits highlighted, Image for imaging-on-the-fly, redaction and other annotation, and Metadata. Users will review individual documents here and apply coding decisions using Tag Profiles. Document level actions are also available including the ability to print, delete, and email individual documents.

Searching and Filtering

Search in Reveal can be as simple as entering a keyword or Boolean string of terms into the Search Bar at the top of the Dashboard Screen, but that is only a start. Concept searches on a term propose additional terms that Reveal infers to be related, with a Brain Explorer that can represent and built a cluster of concepts into a search. Advanced Search, which is accessed from the button at farthest right in the Search Bar, facilitates adding conditions, filters, fields and even lists of terms to a search. All searches can be saved, or referenced from Search History.

Filtering by metadata or entity or condition can be effected by clicking any Dashboard graphic element (or ‘widget’), the listed Filters in the Sidebar, or found under Advanced Search. These filters also create search ‘pills’.


Many systems facilitate organized assignment of batches of documents for review to be checked out by reviewers and checked back in when completed. Reveal adds the ability to create AI-Driven Batches to expedite the process of training classifiers to analyze documents that have not been reviewed based on classifier coding by reviewers.

Supervised Learning

You may have used tags to code documents for responsiveness, privilege or issues in other systems, but in Reveal tagging may be used to teach Reveal how to score document attributes. Reveal calls this Supervised Learning, and the second button on the Navigation Panel opens a screen where you can examine and tune the classifiers generated by use of Reveal AI tags. The Model Library contains pre-built subject matter analytical tools called models that can be added to jumpstart the supervised learning classifier training process. Once training is completed, classifiers can be saved to the library as AI models to be used in similar projects.

AI Review Enhancers

Reveal incorporates the abilities to Translate multi-language documents while noting the languages found in metadata, Transcribe audio or video files (in addition to processing prepared reporter transcripts for efficient review), OCR the text in images, and Label Images to readily identify objects found in them.

Project Administration

Users that are in a project management or administration role will have access to more advanced features including user permissions, field management, tag management, Wordlists, and other settings. The following section provides an overview of the key features associated with each of these administration functions.


Users that are in a project management or administration role will have access to more advanced features including user permissions, field management, tag management:

  • Roles – This is where the user access is defined. A Role tells the system what features and functions a user will have access to. There are 5 standard roles pre-defined within Reveal. You can add additional Roles as needed.
  • Role Groups – used to organize individuals with the same Role into groups of similar users with similar permissions.
  • Teams – used to group individuals together that will be performing a specific task or tasks within the review workflow. An example would be to create a team that’s going to be responsible for the 1st Level Review, project management, or Privilege Review.

Field Management

Create Field Profiles that are used for document review. Each Field Profile includes a list of specific fields that will be viewable during document review and will be assigned to specific Teams. Reveal also provides a Default Field Profile for each new project. You can also modify which fields are included in the default profile.

Tag Management

Create Tags and Tag Profiles that are used code documents during review. Each project can have a set of custom review Tags. Once tags are created, they can be added to a Tag Profile (organized grouping of specific tags). The Tag Profiles will be visible within the Document Review Screen.


Users can upload lists of search terms for search term hit highlighting. These search term lists are referred to as Wordlists in Reveal. Wordlists can be created per review team. Users can also run a hit report on the list of terms and place the search results into a Work Folder, Saved Search, and/or a Field. Hit Reports on lists of keywords may also be generated here.


The Templates tab, found under Project Admin, allows for the creation and management of templates for various aspects of the Review project interface. This includes slipsheet formatting and rules.


Collecting and packaging documents responsive to a request for production is handled in the Production module of Project Management. To begin the workflow for generating a production, see How to Create a Production Set and follow the links for each step.


Settings provides users with the ability to customize the view options globally for all users within the project. This allows you to create a standard default view for all members of your review team. These view options can be customized at a user level.


Last Updated 6/21/2024